Happy New Year everyone!!!
Well, 2013 came in promising prosperity, bringing with it a beautiful symphony of sound, shining like a diamond, carrying that aromatic bundle of roses, and looking SO enticing. It seemed to have crossed all the T's and dotted all of those I's. It WAS the perfect package--or so I thought. Maybe it wasn't the year's fault at all..maybe..and it probably never is. Maybe there are mistakes I tend to repeat for reasons I'm just not quite clear about and life brings scenarios into my life to give me "another chance to get it right" and I just unwittingly usher it to the crapper all on my own. I'm thinking that this is a more truthful assessment.
Truth be told, the last few weeks of the year were REALLY good as far as gaining perspective and a more open-eyed, open-hearted approach to my life. I've gazed into my misconceptions and deepened my understanding of their origination and was quite surprised at how ingrained some of my attitudes were and how "set in my ways" I had become in certain areas of my life. These were indeed my stumbling blocks for me in 2013 (if I were to LIMIT it to a specific span of time). The trouble with this type of rigidity is that it permeates deeply without our conscious awareness...it is just habitual..and truly, there is SO much of this conditioned response to events in life that we have to REALLY choke down a HUGE dose of self-honesty and very intricate examination to even discover them.
For instance, I have a very hard time "taking credit" for "good" things that others believe I do. I have these words in quotations for a reason. These are examples of unconscious conditioned reaction and response. If it is true (and it is) that what others think of you is none of your business...then why do we feel the need to impose this on or attain this from others--(and I know a bunch of you would probably think that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with complimenting, encouraging, or highlighting someone's accomplishments and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with receiving this type of compliment)...and maybe there isn't, however, it is just an example of how we are conditioned to POINT out to people the good, the bad, the indifferent effect they have had upon us and we in turn begin to just unconsciously say "thank you" or "kiss my ass" without really even thinking twice. When I was younger, I LOVED this recognition, craved it, and probably did things JUST to get it <---this is the problem..all of the wrong reasons. Now, it is discomforting to me and I will tell you why. Because my actions are no longer attached to anyone else's approval or disapproval. They are simply "because"...because why? THIS is my point. The reason behind any of my actions gets lost and this is what is MOST important to me. What I DO is UNIMPORTANT in and of itself---the meaning of anything I do is in the reason why I do it...and that I cannot take credit for because it comes from a prompt, a tug, a push and I find that I cannot ignore because it just won't leave me alone until I DO something. It is honestly like something else drives me...so taking credit feels out of place to me. I've had people say..."you have worked hard, you have achieved this or that...there is no shame in being proud of yourself" for whatever it is that is seen by others as a "good" thing. The truth is, I am proud of myself...but for reasons that go completely unnoticed by others. I am proud that I was blessed with a CONSCIENCE that completely rules my ENTIRE life-- my actions, my inaction, my thought life, my creativity, my work ethic, any philanthropic endeavors, anything GOOD that I ever do is credited to this mysterious God . It rules and that lords over me. I am led...and when I follow, I am proud of myself--because a lot of times, where I am led and what I am led to do are not places or things that are the most comfortable or easy. No one is ever taught how to "get a conscience"..and as technologically advanced as science has become, NO ONE can locate it, operate on it, or even understand how it works. It is what I believe to be something SO supernatural and so above any human capacity for intellect to even fathom. We teach and learn to "be polite"--"encourage positive action"--and then we learn that positive feedback of our actions brings us attention/adoration. Attention can become an addiction---a VERY malevolent addiction. It can and HAS created monsters. There is nothing overtly wrong with attention--it is nice to know that you are looked upon favorably and that others are comfortable in your company...we are, after all human beings who NEED this type of intimate connectivity to one another, as long as it doesn't over-rule or replace the "master." It is nothing more than a "perk" in life...it isn't the driving force behind our nature. AND this is what I wish more people would understand. Don't be impressed by what I do...but wonder why I do it--where it comes from--I am concerned more that people find this same commanding drive within themselves and relate to it than I am of being any example for others to follow. This is the true point of connectivity between us. Simple rule: KNOW it in you...SEE it in others. Our words, our actions, our accomplishments should sooner inspire action than collect praise.
Below are the lessons I finally GOT during 2013...though they took my entire lifetime to learn.
I have been led to truly understand that there are "true" and "false" opportunities all around me. I never really realized this before...I just figured an opportunity is an opportunity...and all opportunity is GREAT!! Not the case...not the case at all.
True and False Opportunity: There is a difference between TRUE opportunities and FALSE opportunities...just as there are true and false prophets, hmmm...do you suppose there is a deeper hidden truth to this spiritual principle? Get your headgear on...here goes: Any opportunity that is going to be of any benefit to the goal we set for a desire we have to meet our destiny will follow a specific ORDER (trademark of truth). Most times, opportunities that are in line with our goal are SOUGHT in keeping with this order. A true opportunity will only show itself AFTER the pinnacle has been reached in your mind's eye and your intention to reach it has been SET. In other words....all of the fine details of an eventual success have been considered and you realize that all of the pieces have to be there IN A CERTAIN ORDER to complete the finished product. A False opportunity comes out of nowhere and is dropped upon you (which is its MO). The piece fits into the bigger picture, but it is somewhat out of progression. (Using the analogy of a puzzle...it is that piece that you know goes "somewhere in the middle" because you already have the edges done--so it just hangs out all by itself until you can fit some other pieces in AROUND it.) It will com easy, without being sought, and it will feel "too good to be true, and this is why these "false" opportunities are SO VERY enticing and leading. The cautionary tale in this is that a false opportunity will turn up during a time of desperation and within a mindset of lack in a VERY exclusive area of the big picture and your life--and yet, it is an out-of-place fragment. If you find yourself neck-deep in a situation where you are now "re-creating" your entire vision from the point of jumping upon this opportunity.....STOP!!! It will derail your life, your mission in life, and your "first love", which was your goal BEFORE you became distracted and derailed. In the end, the promise of this relief of "one less worry" will have you struggling to see the light of day, let alone the vision you had for your life. It may look like it belongs...but if it comes too easy or out of order, be advised that you are dealing with a force to be reckoned with. Trust me.
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them (false prophets) for he who is IN YOU (your conscience) is greater than he who is in the world (Ego). They are from the world, therefore, they speak from the world and the world listens to them." Listen to your conscience...it can't get any clearer than that. This excerpt serves to transition the above with what you will read below.
The Role of the Prophet in Opportunity
Prophesy merely means "prediction of the future" and the prophet is merely the "messenger" of this prediction. The inner prophet and its message are two essential elements of every opportunity, every dream, every goal we will ever set. A false prophet (or opportunity) will come with an easier, faster, smoother transition, and fulfill an immediate desperate attempt to "fix" something, or fill a place of lack. Most people jump on these opportunities because they are desperate to have just ONE THING LESS to worry about. The reality; however, is that you will inevitably see problems crop up in another or many other "unconsidered" areas of your life and/or the journey to your goal. This one "leap of faith" can leave you fighting to regain the any semblance of the order in which you set out to accomplish your goal in the first place . So when opportunity comes a'knockin...do not invite it in UNLESS it brings with it the entire view you have seen from the pinnacle--your prophesy. If you have not invited it by your very own intention, action of some sort in that direction, or immense desire to "see its ENTIRETY come to fruition"...let it go--say thanks anyways..but this is really NOT where my life is going right now--maybe some other time...lol. There is a reason we have the talents, the gifts, and the desires we have...they contain our destiny. There is a reason that certain things are VERY important to us, while others lack such importance...they are our inner guide to that destiny and this priority factor outlines the "order of fulfillment." Do Not Stray From That Order. Don't sell out for a quick fix in one area of your life, because you you tire of being patient or you become discouraged. You will find that it has led you into a place you NEVER envisioned being and you will be held against your will struggling to just "make the best of the CIRCUMSTANCE" by patterning your entire life around it. To be aware of all of the potentials is to be wise, to be fixated upon one or any is to be self-sabotaging. Be wise...be cautious...be TRUE to yourself and your inner prophet. Stand firm..don't be tempted and swayed--not matter how bad things appear.
Every Moment of Consciousness is an Opportunity to Learn about Ourselves .
Every person you stumble across in your life or shows up in yours are TEACHERS. Our mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, enemies, the homeless, the rich, the powerful, and inept, the challenged..people in your life, and those you just observe from afar....ALL OF THEM ARE TEACHERS...they do not belong to you..you do not belong to them. They have a message to send you about YOU. They are there to inspire you in one way or another. They spur you, they deter you, they challenge you, they love you, they encourage you, they destroy you. The only common thing in YOUR relationship (whichever form it takes) with other people is YOU. Remember this. Do you casually stroll by a poor and homeless person begging for change because of your preconceived notion of how they got there, why they are there, and why YOU think they should or shouldn't BE THERE? Maybe they are there to teach you humility. Do you see the infirm and immediately think..."thank God that isn't me"? Maybe they are there to show you that infirmary is indiscriminate and this may indeed BE you someday and that good health is the most reverent blessing one has and you should be grateful for yours and compassionate to those who are not as fortunate.
What I am trying to say here is this: Our compass for finding our way around in life is set from the vantage point of "ME"...thank God that is not me, that will NEVER be me, I would NEVER do something like that, how can he/she do something like that...it is not in ME...we understand others from our only foundation of understanding...OURSELVES...so yes, everyone IS indeed EVERYONE...and everyone contains a tiny piece of YOUR truth--as if they are carrying with them a mirror. It is not for me to judge...it is for me to observe, study, and LEARN about myself--what feelings do the perceived unfortunate circumstances of others stir in me? Compassion, love, acceptance...anger, hostility, disregard, disdain? And how are these thoughts and feelings materialized? Through ATTITUDES, notions, and intentions. The ego points and laughs and bullies...the spirit empathizes and sees that person as itself and learns something about itself through its observation.
Do Not Obsess about Getting There.
An attitude or "belief system" is either toxic or healthy. THAT IS IT. There is no in-between. The most consistent way we sabotage our own well-being is through a fragmented, piecemeal, scattered set of rigid attitudes or beliefs. One bad apple...you could have the best of intentions...and find that you are in way worse condition than you were before you initiated a "means to an end". I've learned to STOP dwelling on the end result of everything. What I do is the BEST I CAN in everything now...and then, there is no guilt, no regret, and nothing I could have done differently. The result will take care of itself and then, I will deal with that as it comes. I have no way of predicting what will happen not even ONE MINUTE from now, and I have no way of determining whether or not history will repeat itself. The past and the future are NOTHING but thoughts. We don't go to bed each night worrying about whether we are going to wake up the next day, do we? The funny thing about that is....maybe we really should. Maybe we should just focus on "THIS MOMENT" and getting the most out of it...doing the best we can with it...being as proactive and productive as time allows and go to bed thinking...if I don't wake up tomorrow, today has been taken care of. With anything we take for granted...there is WASTE, sloth, and indifference. <---these are toxic---and so is the attitude that you are in charge of everything and everyone around you...and that you can somehow manipulate time and space...people and things to comply with your wishes and YOUR fixation upon how things SHOULD ultimately turn out--and this is what leads to disappointment, disillusionment, and a mindset of dependence. The only thing we can control is ourselves, our atmosphere, our actions, and our attitude <--this is healthy. We need to stop always trying to "get" something and just be open enough to receive what is--because there is a reason for it. I've found that the healthiest attitude to take on is...whatever will be will be...and it is what it is--and then I focus my attention toward finding that seed of opportunity within that moment--and I've discovered there are MANY.
True Dat!!
God is Love/Love is God/...What is Love/What is God..This has been a recurring subject with me...though I believe it to be true, the fact that I keep coming back to this is a signal to me that there was something in it that I wasn't getting.
What I DO know is this: LOVE is a state of being...it is not an emotion. It is not exclusive to relationships of any sort. There is NOTHING missing from it.. and more importantly...and this is what I think I was stuck on...It can NEVER be added to. Love is found and defined by SELF REALIZATION...the ultimate...last chapter...REVELATION <---which ACTUALLY means "a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or REALIZED", (and you see, I have emphasized this in as many ways available to me in print because it is the epitome of my point) In addition, because I am going in this direction with this, in theological terms, its meaning is "a manifestation of divine will or truth." So in essence, this means "I have discovered AND witnessed the divine truth about ME." Our "holy war or Armageddon" is nothing more than the hell we find ourselves in as we are embarking upon this truth. It is our OWN personal battle to come full circle--to deprogram ourselves from societal meme and dogma...which is EVERYONE's hell and it is NOT an easy feat.
The greatest realization of this realization is this: Once you KNOW and live the truth of who you are and what you are made of and WHY you do the things you do, you can see the truth in everything and yourself in everyone. Patterns become more recognizable, vibrations begin to become tangible things, and you begin to see that your thoughts are indeed "all powerful." You begin to see that you are completely in charge of your reality, your prosperity, your dreams, your circumstances. You are a creator, he is a creator, she is a creator...we are all creators...and yet..."I AM WHO I AM." <--isn't this the response given to Moses by God upon his inquiry of "who shall I tell them sent me?" 'Once you start believing this...really, really believing it...and not using it as an excuse to limit yourself or an object of blame because of this self-imposed limitation, and you fully REALIZE your highest potential and you can see it materialize before you prior to its actual manifestation, and you can take a moment to relish in that feeling of completion...you will find that it will indeed materialize. Conversely, if you believe you are damned, you have the "worst luck", nothing can every go right for you, everyone has it out for you...etc...THAT WILL HAPPEN as well. The quote "If you think you can, or you think you can't....you're right." by Henry Ford really reveals a rather simplistic, yet profound truth. You are the receiver of your own attitudes and intentions. The universe or "God" only knows GIVING and deliverance. Your desires, your thoughts, your intentions, your attitudes, and your beliefs are the conduit for all that manifests in your life. Whatever you throw out there, comes right back to you--good or not-so-good. You will find God in the beginning of anything (desire/intention) and you will see God in the fulfillment and materialization of that desire and intention--this is where God lives. If you are on the right track, you will be rewarded, if you're not, you will be SCHOOLED and redirected, though you have to really understand that ALL that materializes is of your very own intention and if you don't like it, you may wanna check yourself. If you automatically blame the circumstance, the others, the time, the place, or whatever, you are not learning ANYTHING. Once you begin to open your eyes to this truth..you will see it in action. NO ONE or NOTHING can take anything way or add anything to you....you are WHOLE without any compromise whatsoever-- Compromise becomes relevant to situation and circumstance ONLY. When you fully accept and regard the truth of who you are and pattern your life around that, the events of life lose their power to define you, while you gain all the more power to REFINE you.
Lastly...we come into this world as one, self-contained being...we leave this world in the same manner....however, while we live and breath, exchanging the same oxygen and carbon dioxide--biologically made of the very same substances as the the cosmos, the earth, and everything that roams here and grows there...we begin to see what an integral part of this vast support system we really are and that what we breath out, someone/something else breathes in..and vice versa...what we offer, we receive. I would suppose that the sum total of all things exchanged by all things--the ebb and flow of life that we all intrinsically share would have to be God...therefore lending creed to "Alpha/Omega, Omnipresent/Omniscient. And since God is LOVE...it all stands to reason.
"It does not matter how long much time you are spending on this earth, how much money you have gathered, or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters."~Amit Ray
"Creative scientists and saints expect revelation and do not fear it. Neither do children. But as we grow up and are hurt, we have learned not to trust." Madeleine L'Engel.
"And when I wake up it's wonderful, like I've been carried quietly onto a calm and peaceful shore, and the dream and its meaning has broken over me like a wave and is ebbing away now, leaving me with a single, solid certainty. I know now."~Lauren Oliver.
"It is more important to be of pure intention than it is to be of perfect action."~Ilyas Kassam.
And finally.... "Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives. The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets. Judge not by their words but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results. Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in the manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you. Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance, joy, love, fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience."~Anthon St
My message....live in awareness, curb the fixation. Do follow your dreams, Don't get sidetracked. Give until it hurts...it will be multiplied to you. I'm feeling completely blessed and powerful going into this new year. I've already experienced many instances of synchronicity and I now know that I am on my way...again. ;)
Love and Light to All..
Well, 2013 came in promising prosperity, bringing with it a beautiful symphony of sound, shining like a diamond, carrying that aromatic bundle of roses, and looking SO enticing. It seemed to have crossed all the T's and dotted all of those I's. It WAS the perfect package--or so I thought. Maybe it wasn't the year's fault at all..maybe..and it probably never is. Maybe there are mistakes I tend to repeat for reasons I'm just not quite clear about and life brings scenarios into my life to give me "another chance to get it right" and I just unwittingly usher it to the crapper all on my own. I'm thinking that this is a more truthful assessment.
Truth be told, the last few weeks of the year were REALLY good as far as gaining perspective and a more open-eyed, open-hearted approach to my life. I've gazed into my misconceptions and deepened my understanding of their origination and was quite surprised at how ingrained some of my attitudes were and how "set in my ways" I had become in certain areas of my life. These were indeed my stumbling blocks for me in 2013 (if I were to LIMIT it to a specific span of time). The trouble with this type of rigidity is that it permeates deeply without our conscious awareness...it is just habitual..and truly, there is SO much of this conditioned response to events in life that we have to REALLY choke down a HUGE dose of self-honesty and very intricate examination to even discover them.
For instance, I have a very hard time "taking credit" for "good" things that others believe I do. I have these words in quotations for a reason. These are examples of unconscious conditioned reaction and response. If it is true (and it is) that what others think of you is none of your business...then why do we feel the need to impose this on or attain this from others--(and I know a bunch of you would probably think that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with complimenting, encouraging, or highlighting someone's accomplishments and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with receiving this type of compliment)...and maybe there isn't, however, it is just an example of how we are conditioned to POINT out to people the good, the bad, the indifferent effect they have had upon us and we in turn begin to just unconsciously say "thank you" or "kiss my ass" without really even thinking twice. When I was younger, I LOVED this recognition, craved it, and probably did things JUST to get it <---this is the problem..all of the wrong reasons. Now, it is discomforting to me and I will tell you why. Because my actions are no longer attached to anyone else's approval or disapproval. They are simply "because"...because why? THIS is my point. The reason behind any of my actions gets lost and this is what is MOST important to me. What I DO is UNIMPORTANT in and of itself---the meaning of anything I do is in the reason why I do it...and that I cannot take credit for because it comes from a prompt, a tug, a push and I find that I cannot ignore because it just won't leave me alone until I DO something. It is honestly like something else drives me...so taking credit feels out of place to me. I've had people say..."you have worked hard, you have achieved this or that...there is no shame in being proud of yourself" for whatever it is that is seen by others as a "good" thing. The truth is, I am proud of myself...but for reasons that go completely unnoticed by others. I am proud that I was blessed with a CONSCIENCE that completely rules my ENTIRE life-- my actions, my inaction, my thought life, my creativity, my work ethic, any philanthropic endeavors, anything GOOD that I ever do is credited to this mysterious God . It rules and that lords over me. I am led...and when I follow, I am proud of myself--because a lot of times, where I am led and what I am led to do are not places or things that are the most comfortable or easy. No one is ever taught how to "get a conscience"..and as technologically advanced as science has become, NO ONE can locate it, operate on it, or even understand how it works. It is what I believe to be something SO supernatural and so above any human capacity for intellect to even fathom. We teach and learn to "be polite"--"encourage positive action"--and then we learn that positive feedback of our actions brings us attention/adoration. Attention can become an addiction---a VERY malevolent addiction. It can and HAS created monsters. There is nothing overtly wrong with attention--it is nice to know that you are looked upon favorably and that others are comfortable in your company...we are, after all human beings who NEED this type of intimate connectivity to one another, as long as it doesn't over-rule or replace the "master." It is nothing more than a "perk" in life...it isn't the driving force behind our nature. AND this is what I wish more people would understand. Don't be impressed by what I do...but wonder why I do it--where it comes from--I am concerned more that people find this same commanding drive within themselves and relate to it than I am of being any example for others to follow. This is the true point of connectivity between us. Simple rule: KNOW it in you...SEE it in others. Our words, our actions, our accomplishments should sooner inspire action than collect praise.
Below are the lessons I finally GOT during 2013...though they took my entire lifetime to learn.
I have been led to truly understand that there are "true" and "false" opportunities all around me. I never really realized this before...I just figured an opportunity is an opportunity...and all opportunity is GREAT!! Not the case...not the case at all.
True and False Opportunity: There is a difference between TRUE opportunities and FALSE opportunities...just as there are true and false prophets, hmmm...do you suppose there is a deeper hidden truth to this spiritual principle? Get your headgear on...here goes: Any opportunity that is going to be of any benefit to the goal we set for a desire we have to meet our destiny will follow a specific ORDER (trademark of truth). Most times, opportunities that are in line with our goal are SOUGHT in keeping with this order. A true opportunity will only show itself AFTER the pinnacle has been reached in your mind's eye and your intention to reach it has been SET. In other words....all of the fine details of an eventual success have been considered and you realize that all of the pieces have to be there IN A CERTAIN ORDER to complete the finished product. A False opportunity comes out of nowhere and is dropped upon you (which is its MO). The piece fits into the bigger picture, but it is somewhat out of progression. (Using the analogy of a puzzle...it is that piece that you know goes "somewhere in the middle" because you already have the edges done--so it just hangs out all by itself until you can fit some other pieces in AROUND it.) It will com easy, without being sought, and it will feel "too good to be true, and this is why these "false" opportunities are SO VERY enticing and leading. The cautionary tale in this is that a false opportunity will turn up during a time of desperation and within a mindset of lack in a VERY exclusive area of the big picture and your life--and yet, it is an out-of-place fragment. If you find yourself neck-deep in a situation where you are now "re-creating" your entire vision from the point of jumping upon this opportunity.....STOP!!! It will derail your life, your mission in life, and your "first love", which was your goal BEFORE you became distracted and derailed. In the end, the promise of this relief of "one less worry" will have you struggling to see the light of day, let alone the vision you had for your life. It may look like it belongs...but if it comes too easy or out of order, be advised that you are dealing with a force to be reckoned with. Trust me.
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them (false prophets) for he who is IN YOU (your conscience) is greater than he who is in the world (Ego). They are from the world, therefore, they speak from the world and the world listens to them." Listen to your conscience...it can't get any clearer than that. This excerpt serves to transition the above with what you will read below.
The Role of the Prophet in Opportunity
Prophesy merely means "prediction of the future" and the prophet is merely the "messenger" of this prediction. The inner prophet and its message are two essential elements of every opportunity, every dream, every goal we will ever set. A false prophet (or opportunity) will come with an easier, faster, smoother transition, and fulfill an immediate desperate attempt to "fix" something, or fill a place of lack. Most people jump on these opportunities because they are desperate to have just ONE THING LESS to worry about. The reality; however, is that you will inevitably see problems crop up in another or many other "unconsidered" areas of your life and/or the journey to your goal. This one "leap of faith" can leave you fighting to regain the any semblance of the order in which you set out to accomplish your goal in the first place . So when opportunity comes a'knockin...do not invite it in UNLESS it brings with it the entire view you have seen from the pinnacle--your prophesy. If you have not invited it by your very own intention, action of some sort in that direction, or immense desire to "see its ENTIRETY come to fruition"...let it go--say thanks anyways..but this is really NOT where my life is going right now--maybe some other time...lol. There is a reason we have the talents, the gifts, and the desires we have...they contain our destiny. There is a reason that certain things are VERY important to us, while others lack such importance...they are our inner guide to that destiny and this priority factor outlines the "order of fulfillment." Do Not Stray From That Order. Don't sell out for a quick fix in one area of your life, because you you tire of being patient or you become discouraged. You will find that it has led you into a place you NEVER envisioned being and you will be held against your will struggling to just "make the best of the CIRCUMSTANCE" by patterning your entire life around it. To be aware of all of the potentials is to be wise, to be fixated upon one or any is to be self-sabotaging. Be wise...be cautious...be TRUE to yourself and your inner prophet. Stand firm..don't be tempted and swayed--not matter how bad things appear.
Every Moment of Consciousness is an Opportunity to Learn about Ourselves .
Every person you stumble across in your life or shows up in yours are TEACHERS. Our mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, enemies, the homeless, the rich, the powerful, and inept, the challenged..people in your life, and those you just observe from afar....ALL OF THEM ARE TEACHERS...they do not belong to you..you do not belong to them. They have a message to send you about YOU. They are there to inspire you in one way or another. They spur you, they deter you, they challenge you, they love you, they encourage you, they destroy you. The only common thing in YOUR relationship (whichever form it takes) with other people is YOU. Remember this. Do you casually stroll by a poor and homeless person begging for change because of your preconceived notion of how they got there, why they are there, and why YOU think they should or shouldn't BE THERE? Maybe they are there to teach you humility. Do you see the infirm and immediately think..."thank God that isn't me"? Maybe they are there to show you that infirmary is indiscriminate and this may indeed BE you someday and that good health is the most reverent blessing one has and you should be grateful for yours and compassionate to those who are not as fortunate.
What I am trying to say here is this: Our compass for finding our way around in life is set from the vantage point of "ME"...thank God that is not me, that will NEVER be me, I would NEVER do something like that, how can he/she do something like that...it is not in ME...we understand others from our only foundation of understanding...OURSELVES...so yes, everyone IS indeed EVERYONE...and everyone contains a tiny piece of YOUR truth--as if they are carrying with them a mirror. It is not for me to judge...it is for me to observe, study, and LEARN about myself--what feelings do the perceived unfortunate circumstances of others stir in me? Compassion, love, acceptance...anger, hostility, disregard, disdain? And how are these thoughts and feelings materialized? Through ATTITUDES, notions, and intentions. The ego points and laughs and bullies...the spirit empathizes and sees that person as itself and learns something about itself through its observation.
Do Not Obsess about Getting There.
An attitude or "belief system" is either toxic or healthy. THAT IS IT. There is no in-between. The most consistent way we sabotage our own well-being is through a fragmented, piecemeal, scattered set of rigid attitudes or beliefs. One bad apple...you could have the best of intentions...and find that you are in way worse condition than you were before you initiated a "means to an end". I've learned to STOP dwelling on the end result of everything. What I do is the BEST I CAN in everything now...and then, there is no guilt, no regret, and nothing I could have done differently. The result will take care of itself and then, I will deal with that as it comes. I have no way of predicting what will happen not even ONE MINUTE from now, and I have no way of determining whether or not history will repeat itself. The past and the future are NOTHING but thoughts. We don't go to bed each night worrying about whether we are going to wake up the next day, do we? The funny thing about that is....maybe we really should. Maybe we should just focus on "THIS MOMENT" and getting the most out of it...doing the best we can with it...being as proactive and productive as time allows and go to bed thinking...if I don't wake up tomorrow, today has been taken care of. With anything we take for granted...there is WASTE, sloth, and indifference. <---these are toxic---and so is the attitude that you are in charge of everything and everyone around you...and that you can somehow manipulate time and space...people and things to comply with your wishes and YOUR fixation upon how things SHOULD ultimately turn out--and this is what leads to disappointment, disillusionment, and a mindset of dependence. The only thing we can control is ourselves, our atmosphere, our actions, and our attitude <--this is healthy. We need to stop always trying to "get" something and just be open enough to receive what is--because there is a reason for it. I've found that the healthiest attitude to take on is...whatever will be will be...and it is what it is--and then I focus my attention toward finding that seed of opportunity within that moment--and I've discovered there are MANY.
True Dat!!
God is Love/Love is God/...What is Love/What is God..This has been a recurring subject with me...though I believe it to be true, the fact that I keep coming back to this is a signal to me that there was something in it that I wasn't getting.
What I DO know is this: LOVE is a state of being...it is not an emotion. It is not exclusive to relationships of any sort. There is NOTHING missing from it.. and more importantly...and this is what I think I was stuck on...It can NEVER be added to. Love is found and defined by SELF REALIZATION...the ultimate...last chapter...REVELATION <---which ACTUALLY means "a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or REALIZED", (and you see, I have emphasized this in as many ways available to me in print because it is the epitome of my point) In addition, because I am going in this direction with this, in theological terms, its meaning is "a manifestation of divine will or truth." So in essence, this means "I have discovered AND witnessed the divine truth about ME." Our "holy war or Armageddon" is nothing more than the hell we find ourselves in as we are embarking upon this truth. It is our OWN personal battle to come full circle--to deprogram ourselves from societal meme and dogma...which is EVERYONE's hell and it is NOT an easy feat.
The greatest realization of this realization is this: Once you KNOW and live the truth of who you are and what you are made of and WHY you do the things you do, you can see the truth in everything and yourself in everyone. Patterns become more recognizable, vibrations begin to become tangible things, and you begin to see that your thoughts are indeed "all powerful." You begin to see that you are completely in charge of your reality, your prosperity, your dreams, your circumstances. You are a creator, he is a creator, she is a creator...we are all creators...and yet..."I AM WHO I AM." <--isn't this the response given to Moses by God upon his inquiry of "who shall I tell them sent me?" 'Once you start believing this...really, really believing it...and not using it as an excuse to limit yourself or an object of blame because of this self-imposed limitation, and you fully REALIZE your highest potential and you can see it materialize before you prior to its actual manifestation, and you can take a moment to relish in that feeling of completion...you will find that it will indeed materialize. Conversely, if you believe you are damned, you have the "worst luck", nothing can every go right for you, everyone has it out for you...etc...THAT WILL HAPPEN as well. The quote "If you think you can, or you think you can't....you're right." by Henry Ford really reveals a rather simplistic, yet profound truth. You are the receiver of your own attitudes and intentions. The universe or "God" only knows GIVING and deliverance. Your desires, your thoughts, your intentions, your attitudes, and your beliefs are the conduit for all that manifests in your life. Whatever you throw out there, comes right back to you--good or not-so-good. You will find God in the beginning of anything (desire/intention) and you will see God in the fulfillment and materialization of that desire and intention--this is where God lives. If you are on the right track, you will be rewarded, if you're not, you will be SCHOOLED and redirected, though you have to really understand that ALL that materializes is of your very own intention and if you don't like it, you may wanna check yourself. If you automatically blame the circumstance, the others, the time, the place, or whatever, you are not learning ANYTHING. Once you begin to open your eyes to this truth..you will see it in action. NO ONE or NOTHING can take anything way or add anything to you....you are WHOLE without any compromise whatsoever-- Compromise becomes relevant to situation and circumstance ONLY. When you fully accept and regard the truth of who you are and pattern your life around that, the events of life lose their power to define you, while you gain all the more power to REFINE you.
Lastly...we come into this world as one, self-contained being...we leave this world in the same manner....however, while we live and breath, exchanging the same oxygen and carbon dioxide--biologically made of the very same substances as the the cosmos, the earth, and everything that roams here and grows there...we begin to see what an integral part of this vast support system we really are and that what we breath out, someone/something else breathes in..and vice versa...what we offer, we receive. I would suppose that the sum total of all things exchanged by all things--the ebb and flow of life that we all intrinsically share would have to be God...therefore lending creed to "Alpha/Omega, Omnipresent/Omniscient. And since God is LOVE...it all stands to reason.
"It does not matter how long much time you are spending on this earth, how much money you have gathered, or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters."~Amit Ray
"Creative scientists and saints expect revelation and do not fear it. Neither do children. But as we grow up and are hurt, we have learned not to trust." Madeleine L'Engel.
"And when I wake up it's wonderful, like I've been carried quietly onto a calm and peaceful shore, and the dream and its meaning has broken over me like a wave and is ebbing away now, leaving me with a single, solid certainty. I know now."~Lauren Oliver.
"It is more important to be of pure intention than it is to be of perfect action."~Ilyas Kassam.
And finally.... "Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives. The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets. Judge not by their words but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results. Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in the manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you. Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance, joy, love, fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience."~Anthon St
My message....live in awareness, curb the fixation. Do follow your dreams, Don't get sidetracked. Give until it hurts...it will be multiplied to you. I'm feeling completely blessed and powerful going into this new year. I've already experienced many instances of synchronicity and I now know that I am on my way...again. ;)
Love and Light to All..
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