Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Someday at Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!

I carry a heavy heart this year...all of the violence, all of the greed, all of the disregard for human dignity, all of the ways the we've been brainwashed to identify ourselves (by race, by social status, by North, South, East, West, by nationality, by a section of our the country we live in...we are so concerned about WE as AMERICANS or other prospective country.  What about we as PEOPLE with the same heart, the same soul, the same spirit...what about LOVE...the real tie that BINDS us together.

This year, I found myself to be envious of mommies of young children.  Young children who BELIEVE before we tarnish that belief with social stigma and condition.  These beautiful breaths of God who come from the womb of a mother to a world of complete wonder with such innocent curiosity.  Children, whom we witness experience EVERYTHING for the first time and whose pure excitement of it rubs off on all of those who share that experience with them.  

It is no mistake that "Unto us this day, a CHILD is born, and he shall be called Emmanuel."  Why do you think our salvation lay in the heart and soul of this child?  Because that is where it is found in its most pure form.  It is how we ALL come into this is how we ALL forget where we came is why I write this post today with the plea that WE stop categorizing, labeling, fighting, judging, and lending the spirit of hatred, judgement, indifference, and the attitude of superiority our power.  It is not expensive to LOVE.  It is not time consuming and it is NOT hard.  We ARE love...we ARE acceptance, we ARE compassion, we ARE tolerance, we ARE understanding, we ARE at our very core essence the LOVE OF GOD...

My message to you this day would be this:  Children are gifts of God.  If we pay attention, they teach us to view life, people, and moments through a different lens.  They teach us how to live each day to the fullest without worry...without delay.  They teach us how to TREAT other people.  You will learn this the first time your "baby" comes to you with a broken heart because someone's self-interests took precedence over regard for their feelings and their right to be treated with the same respect that he/she treats others.  Unto us EVERY day...a child is born...and within that child is OUR SALVATION.

"The witness has forced himself to testify.  For the youth of today, for the children who will be born tomorrow.  He does not want his past to become their future."~Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize recipient and author of Night.

God Bless and keep one and all...we belong to one other, PLEASE..let's begin to understand this.

Much love and Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

REALLY?'s been a while.  SO much going on...SO much thinking...SO much reflecting.  I guess the end of the year brings such things.  I have big plans for next year but unfortunately, I cannot even spring into action until then.

I took a 3-day hiatus from all electronic means of communication to pay my respects to those beautiful and important lives lost in the Newtown massacre.  When I got back on, I could not BELIEVE what I was reading on FB and Twitter about "gun laws" and the headlines that read "KKK Counterprotests Westboro Church Picketing School Shooting Scene" with pictures of CHILDREN holding signs that read "Pray for more dead soldiers"  "God Hates Fags" and all manner of CRAP like that.  I couldn't help but think how hatred is now turning on its own...and I had to ALMOST chuckle a bit.  However, it also makes me sad to think that our FREEDOM allows GARBAGE like this to push its agenda to the point of moral desecration because EVERYONE has a right to their opinion.  If you want my opinion, I think they should outlaw the internet, video games, and cell phones..and pretty much all of those NICE little gadgets that make everyone SO inhuman.  I could live without them...oh wait...I ALREADY HAVE.  I guess that ANYTHING these days could be used for evil though...when its founds its way into the wrong hands...I mean, one person could open a can of veggies for dinner and look at the empty can and lid as recyclable or garbage, and another person could choose to use the lid as a weapon to slice someone's throat with. What the hell are people thinking these days...and what the hell makes them think this way.  ANYTHING within your vision field could be used to do harm to someone, I suppose...which is why the "gun law" thing doesn't make any sense...people are beaten with blunt objects, bats, hammers, etc...the list goes on and on...many lives are lost each year in car isn't so much the is the MIND and HANDS it falls into.

Never before in my life have I seen such a population of unconscionable people exhibiting such unscrupulous behavior.  It is almost scary to think that ANY ONE of us has the propensity to do these kind of things.  We all have the power, we all have a bent toward anger, revenge, resentment, and entitlement.  We all get depressed, feel hopeless at times...and neither punishment or the threat of punishment, the loss of  freedom, or possibly your life to rectify taking the lives of others seems to deter this unbridled passion of some to harm others, disrespect others' rights, walk on their integrity, or rob them of their innocence...

If this isn't PROOF that there is a part of ourselves that is separate  from and higher than the human nature, I don't know what is.   Some think of killing, raping, lying, manipulating, and stealing the same way another looks at that hot fudge sundae they've been craving for days.  One makes themselves that sundae to satiate that craving and one beats the shit out of his wife to satiate his...or takes that hit of crack...or sits hours on end shooting people on a video game...OR...desecrates the memory of a fallen soldier, uses GOD as a means to spread hatred, or the color of one's skin to justify physical harm, or walks into a grade school with a gun with every intention of using it to destroy.

There is EVIL spirit in this it or not, believe it or exists.  It is scriptural, it is more evident now than ever and it is the higher part of one's psyche controlling what he/she thinks, says, and does.  Just like there is good spirit in this world controlling what another things, does, and says.  Greed, control, pride, and COWARDESS are the traits of evil...and even if the DISPLAY is that of GOOD, honest, integral, and cannot be concealed forever...which is also scriptural.  Lest we forget the "disguise" of the wicked---very cunning, very convincing, very enticing and each one has its MARK...and is NEVER anyone it's own size.  It is always someone weaker, someone kinder, someone more trusting.  Key words here are "IT" and "ONE."

And it will always leave behind an IMMENSE amount of confusion..where we are all shaking our heads, crying, mourning, lashing out at an object of blame--which is so far removed from the issue.  It isn't guns, it isn't the wrong president, it isn't the haves and have-nots.  It is a society willingly rendering itself to being puppeteered  by the powers that be because they believe that these powers make their lives EASIER, more efficient, more exciting, more advanced, more of everything better.  It is a society who has lost the willingness to stand and walk on their own two feet because it is easier for someTHING else to pull their strings, control their minds, their actions, their lives.  It is a place where children are being taught gadgetry over the development of character.  There is no real communication going on anymore unless there is a button to push and a light that goes on and off.  And we all consume, we all buy, we put a cell phone, gaming system, internet usage into the hands of our children before they are taught how to PROPERLY communicate and interact with OTHER PEOPLE.  We encourage a LOVE AFFAIR with the quick fix and inanimate.

I think we need to really pull our heads out of our asses here and stop BLAMING irrelevant shit for the state of mind WE are allowing and participating in won't stop until WE stop BUYING it.

If you look at ANY of the ancient ruins...that were constructed BC, the precision, the workmanship, the complexity of what it must have taken to design, construct, and finish such things made of stone...just THINK about it for a moment...there were no diamond saws, no mechanical hoists, no intricately designed ELECTRIC tools...THEIR MINDS were FAR MORE ADVANCED than ours...Technology may be advancing...but really, it is just taking the PLACE of our minds.  The ancients were FAR more in tune with the elements of nature...the source...whatever you choose to call it and how these elements were intended to be utilized.  We are so far removed from anything NATURAL...  It takes years of education for someone to become an engineer...EVERYONE in ancient times was an engineer...and there was no formal education, no computers.  The simpler life becomes FOR us...the more brain dead we become.  The zombie Apocalypse isn't such a far-out idea, really.  The more we have...the LESS we ARE.

So the next time anyone wants to go ranting and raving about "weapon control"...just remember, that weapons have been around since the dawn of time, but were used for a different purpose.  Also remember this....the hands that have CREATED the MINDS we abhor are not going to do ANYTHING to really solve the problem--so stop barking at the government.  It starts under your own your neighborhood, in your community...and you came into this world with a clean slate, a brilliant mind, an insatiable curiosity and urge to create.  Is it worth dulling it for convenience?  It may just be a matter of life or death...oh...wait...IT IS.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Good mIorning everyone!

I've not posted in quite a long time, and it isn't because I don't want to, nor is it for the lack of material to write about, but more because there is SO much I could write about and it is difficult to try to piece one thing together in one spot at one time.  I have a LOT going on.

I've taken a small hiatus from just about everything, as there has been a lot coming at me all at once.  I've had to slow down quite a bit, do a LOT of meditation, and just BE for a while.  It is like every new day brings with it a new set of puzzles to put together and a new discomfort of some sort.  These discomforts range from emotional to mental to physical...and ALL of them are here to tell me something and I'm a pretty sharp individual, so I think I got the big picture down, though the process of fitting the pieces together eludes me.  It is not so much the WHY's...but the HOW's.  I know why.  Usually, WHY (?)  is the biggie and I usually already know the whos, whats, whens and hows.

I believe I am going through yet another refining process right now, and have the distinct feeling that this is a BIG one.  It feels like the beginning of something I've never experienced before in my life, like I'm standing at midpoint between touching the sky and taking a hard fall and there is this unseen force constantly prodding me "what are you going to do now?"...sink or swim, run or crawl, grab onto or let go of, but I don't really know how to swim, where to run...I am directionless.  I'm stuck at the beginning of something that could ultimately define the reason for my existence.  I have a long-term vision, I have a plan, but I have this relentless "pushing" to be doing something NOW but within that long-term vision and plan, there is a "Yield" sign and I find myself at a crossroads once again.

I've been doing a LOT more listening than talking lately and a LOT more observing than taking action--which is probably the reason for my absence here.  This has been at an EXTREME level, more extreme than I've ever experienced before...and it gives me a LOT to think about.  It goes back to my post on relevance.  What worked before may not necessarily be relevant to now and now I have to figure out what works for NOW.  So instead of building (which I am so accustomed to doing)..I'm dissecting.  I know what parts are not functioning correctly, but I am having a problem with implementation of "right" replacements.  So at this point, I am motionless.

The one thing I know for sure is this:  I KNOW who I am.  I know why I do everything I do (or did everything I did), and through this dissection process I'm finding all of the parts and I can ultimately find out ALL of what I'm made of and update some things to make them more apropos to the changing times.

I wish to all a good day.