Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


This is the GREATEST weekend ever!!!!  A most joyful greeting to all of my blog family today.

Passion (defined):  Strong and barely controllable emotion.

Although the word "passion" appears in the dictionary with it's LIMITED definition...I believe it is a state of being...much like and in conjunction with love and truth.  The dynamic of passion is hard to pin down by words alone as its very nature is contained within the character of the individual.  I don't see it at all as an emotion, but more of a unceasing DRIVE geared toward something you LOVE and a commitment to use every ounce of capability you have within you to continually polish it,  and without fear, display it...sort of like a great piece of art...or a beautiful music composition.  Passion has an innumerable and immeasurable amount of outlets and displays and each of them...BEAUTIFUL.

There are no barrier's to the emotion someone operating out of passion exudes.  The emotion travels off of paper, through a television and/or computer screen, through the a tone and vibration of an a musical instrument, or someone's voice alone.  A song, a performance, a painting, sculpture, or a speech can bring us all to tears if we are in tune with the message...and sometimes, it seems to just hit from out of nowhere...something down inside of us that we are unaware of just squeezes a tear from our eye.  If there is passion....there will be a response to fills the air.  It is the PASSION behind the work that lives on in infamy...not the work alone.  It speaks to us and leaves a mysterious impression upon our hearts.  We can even recapture and surface that emotion with a mere recollection of the event that initiated the response.   It is this "tuning in" to one another....FEELING another's passion that allows us to bond with them on such an intimate level.  We, in essence, become the impassioned.

The reward in this innate characteristic is the "drawing" ability of it.  Even though your passion may not even be the same as someone else's--passion ignites passion regardless....especially if that passion is one of someone you deeply love.  It brings out an admiration of courage, determination, and dedication...and hence, hooks us and brings us into their world, their love, the deepest part of their being and the reward of "putting it ALL OUT THERE" and being validated in it...becomes an emotionally-charged celebratory event for ALL.

This weekend....well more specifically...on April 12, eldest daughter performed in World Champioinship level competition in a sport that has consumed her passion for 13 years.  Going into this season of WGI, she knew it was going to be her last.  The last 10 years of her participation in this sport, she has traveled every year to Worlds...and was completely satisfied--if not overjoyed at the prospect of making it to finals.  Last year, they left World competition ranked 4th.  THAT was HUGE!!!  Although the dream of that medal was always the goal....didn't matter WHICH medal...just the recognition of being in the top-3 would be significant.

I am OVERJOYED to let you all know...that this unit took the GOLD this year!!!!!!  I cannot even begin to express (though I shall try) the emotion I felt when the realization that they were definitely within the TOP when they announced the bronze medalists (and it wasn't them)...and then the silver....MY entire being broke out in total emotional chaos...screams, tears, jumping up and down....I felt FLOODED with so many strong emotions FOR her---NOT that she needed any help!!!!  Her sister (who has marched right alongside her EXCEPT for this year) and I unfortunately could not be there in person...due to finances and work commitments...but we were able to view ALL of their performances leading up to this cherished moment for all of them via live stream from the WGI Fan Network.

As my baby girl stood proudly behind the "WGI SPORT OF THE ARTS CHAMPIONS" sign, and as everyone else was looking toward the "still shot" cameras...there was my champion staring off to the left into the video camera, mouthing the words "Hi mom...and Michaela...I LOVE YOU with tear-filled eyes and joy that I felt as if I was right there with her."  I reached out and touched the computer screen and said "I love you too sweetheart!!"

This is the "emotional response" to PASSION...and it is contagious...and what I felt (and continue to feel) I want more than anything to give back to them.  I want them to be as proud of me as I am of them...because it is SUCH a gift to want for those you love EVERYTHING that they want so desperately for themselves....and the admiration you feel for someone who is willing to display their entire vulnerability for all to see in the process is so overwhelming.

So my definition of passion is this:  A mysterious driving force that won't leave you alone, keeps you pushing toward greatness despite falling short of your goal time and time again convincing you that YOU CAN DO THIS and laying opportunity before you that becomes your responsibility to recognize.  Emotional exudate and response is a biproduct of passion...not the definition in and of itself!!

Congratulations Luminosa Winterguard--WGI Independent A Class Champions!!  Thank you for all you have done for and with my daughter to make her dream come true....what a fitting tribute and send-off to her!!  I'm so proud of each and every one of you...and because this has been my baby's passion for SO long...I FEEL YA!!

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