MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. January 15, 1929 -- April 4, 1968
HIS dream was weaved by the thread of God and the hearts of all humanity to create a garment of tolerance, acceptance, love, and teamwork. His replace dogmatic control with an altruistic freedom. He was not here for himself...but for all. His life....eerily similar...if not identical to that of a warrior for truth...a savior. This man EXEMPLIFIED his message without any fear of what men could do to him. To Martin Luther King Jr: Your heart's longing stands boldly resurrected in the hearts of many. Speaking for myself, I cannot even begin to express the gratitude, immense respect, and admiration I have for you. It remains one of those deeply-held passions that language (with its limited capabilities) cannot even begin to touch. Not just today...but everyday, I carry with me a sadness of a brilliant life cut short by the very thing you stood against and the knowledge that I will never have the chance to look you in the eye and shake your hand. God Bless and Keep you.
Above is my memorial to a man, who in my opinion was a 20th century Immanuel (Emmanuel). His walk on this earth was brisk, his punishment for his belief...harsh, his message... unacceptable to many, his life...taken...his legacy... alive and well.
This day not only brings about reflection upon a man and his mission on this earth, but the message. As I sit here in 2013 as a white, female, youngest daughter of a middle-class family, single mother-of-3, lower middle-class working American...I think about what that really means anymore. When I think of the injustice that "we the people" have and continue to suffer in order to "form a more perfect union"...I cannot help to be a bit ashamed of all of this labeling. It seems like a constant struggle to attain what should be the very basic needs of healthy people.

I abhor labeling of any sort. We are ALL put here for a purpose, and deep down, we all know (or realize at some point) what that purpose is. What holds us back? Could it be the mentality of separatism that division creates and the fear of what lies across those lines drawn by MEN that TELL you where your place is? There are lines EVERYWHERE. They claim these lines, categories, and labels assist in keeping some semblance of control--but how much is enough and how much is just tyrannical?
I am stepping out right now and claiming MY LIFE. No country, no person, no genetic lineage, no living or nonliving entity of any sort commands who my friends or foes are, who my family is and isn't AND if it stretches beyond the BOUNDARY drawn up to SEPARATE planet from planet, continent from continent, country from country..and so on...then so be it. I have no RACE category beneath HUMAN. I have no allegiance category beneath the UNIVERSE, and I have no loyalty category beneath EVERY LIVING THING...and I am no menace to society, I am no criminal, I am not a threat to ANYONE. Any power outside of me has no NEED to "control" conscience does that--and right now, my conscience will not allow the shame of lending itself to these invisible, man-made lines. I am grateful to be ALIVE..not white, of German, Polish, and Native American descent, female, American. "God shed His grace on thee...and crown thy good...with BROTHERHOOD...from sea to shining sea." Love those words.....but the value of their message to me, I view to be personal on a universal level...not a "within the boundary" level. To even think that America is the only country which receives the grace of God is pretty telling of a "limited mentality"
of entitlement.
If I operate on the premise of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"--there is no need to sequester me into the folds of divisiveness. If I am INCAPABLE of deliberately harming anyone or anything and I respect the belief, opinion, lifestyle, tradition, and choices of others with no attempt to control that...but the willingness to accept and understand, the result is peace.
I refuse to limit my rights or be defined by anything beneath these values. You get back what you give. I am no more a representative of a "region" than that "region" is representative of me. We, as the ultimate creation that we are, need to take a long step back here and really take a good look at our OWN discomforts with the society in which we live...the starvation, the lack of employment, the STEALING of monies "the people" have invested in throughout their entire lives of contribution to an economy for "safe-keeping" until they are no longer ABLE to work...and then having it termed "ENTITLEMENT BENEFITS" Look at all the INNOCENT lives lost during and from the fallout of war, abuse of power, greed over natural resources....ALL DUE TO BOUNDARY. If it is okay for certain people to CROSS THE BOUNDARY that is outlined for "the people" to do harm, I see no reason why those same boundaries cannot be crossed to live in harmony and create peace. We, (as a society) are BULLIES, POWER MONGERS, MONEY HUNGRY, and NARCISSISTIC and we are getting back (as a society) what we give (as a society). So the next time you feel the need to BITCH about government policy...remember, YOU are a representative of all you abhor about much as you are BEING represented BY it. Just take yourself out of the game...stop consuming, stop giving them your power. You can't control anyone or anything else but yourself.
I didn't even vote this year. I don't think I ever will again. Let them do whatever they I am IN this world..not OF of it. To me, it is an endless game of cat-n-mouse. Like it or not, we have to live by the rules laid out by the governing what does it matter who sits in congress, the house, or in the presidency? They can control all of the superficials with laws and rules and money...but my conscience and my passion ultimately control my behavior, my belief, and my LIFE. It's that simple.
In closing...I believe 2013 to be a year of self-realization and the realization of the potential for greatness. I believe it to be a year unlike any other in the degree of people's ability to read between the lines, seeing what it truly means to be alive and well, and stopping the resistance. The more you push, the more the opposition pushes of nature. It would do the spirit of each person a great service to see themselves first AS the bigger picture...instead of wasting their attempts to finagle a place within it. We are shadow boxing the air. Once this attitude spreads and gains momentum (which I believe it to already be)...we can live as it was intended.
God Bless ALL of my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, teachers and healers, believers and doers, wherever you are on this earth or even light-years away...we share one heart, one soul, and are one family tied together in the spirit of love. I distance myself from all acts of hatred, indifference, intolerance, greed, pride, prejudice, the love of power and control, and the boundaries of which they originate.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...a day of remembrance is NOT enough. Lives LIVED in the legacy of love and the courage to overstep those "boundaries" is a true testament to the ultimate sacrifice you made. I love you man, rest in peace.
To add a bit of humor and lighten the mood a rendition of an old tune..."Lines, lines everywhere a line...blocking up the scenery, breaking my this, don't do that...can't you see the line."
Good day :)
HIS dream was weaved by the thread of God and the hearts of all humanity to create a garment of tolerance, acceptance, love, and teamwork. His replace dogmatic control with an altruistic freedom. He was not here for himself...but for all. His life....eerily similar...if not identical to that of a warrior for truth...a savior. This man EXEMPLIFIED his message without any fear of what men could do to him. To Martin Luther King Jr: Your heart's longing stands boldly resurrected in the hearts of many. Speaking for myself, I cannot even begin to express the gratitude, immense respect, and admiration I have for you. It remains one of those deeply-held passions that language (with its limited capabilities) cannot even begin to touch. Not just today...but everyday, I carry with me a sadness of a brilliant life cut short by the very thing you stood against and the knowledge that I will never have the chance to look you in the eye and shake your hand. God Bless and Keep you.
Above is my memorial to a man, who in my opinion was a 20th century Immanuel (Emmanuel). His walk on this earth was brisk, his punishment for his belief...harsh, his message... unacceptable to many, his life...taken...his legacy... alive and well.
This day not only brings about reflection upon a man and his mission on this earth, but the message. As I sit here in 2013 as a white, female, youngest daughter of a middle-class family, single mother-of-3, lower middle-class working American...I think about what that really means anymore. When I think of the injustice that "we the people" have and continue to suffer in order to "form a more perfect union"...I cannot help to be a bit ashamed of all of this labeling. It seems like a constant struggle to attain what should be the very basic needs of healthy people.

I abhor labeling of any sort. We are ALL put here for a purpose, and deep down, we all know (or realize at some point) what that purpose is. What holds us back? Could it be the mentality of separatism that division creates and the fear of what lies across those lines drawn by MEN that TELL you where your place is? There are lines EVERYWHERE. They claim these lines, categories, and labels assist in keeping some semblance of control--but how much is enough and how much is just tyrannical?
I am stepping out right now and claiming MY LIFE. No country, no person, no genetic lineage, no living or nonliving entity of any sort commands who my friends or foes are, who my family is and isn't AND if it stretches beyond the BOUNDARY drawn up to SEPARATE planet from planet, continent from continent, country from country..and so on...then so be it. I have no RACE category beneath HUMAN. I have no allegiance category beneath the UNIVERSE, and I have no loyalty category beneath EVERY LIVING THING...and I am no menace to society, I am no criminal, I am not a threat to ANYONE. Any power outside of me has no NEED to "control" conscience does that--and right now, my conscience will not allow the shame of lending itself to these invisible, man-made lines. I am grateful to be ALIVE..not white, of German, Polish, and Native American descent, female, American. "God shed His grace on thee...and crown thy good...with BROTHERHOOD...from sea to shining sea." Love those words.....but the value of their message to me, I view to be personal on a universal level...not a "within the boundary" level. To even think that America is the only country which receives the grace of God is pretty telling of a "limited mentality"
of entitlement.
If I operate on the premise of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"--there is no need to sequester me into the folds of divisiveness. If I am INCAPABLE of deliberately harming anyone or anything and I respect the belief, opinion, lifestyle, tradition, and choices of others with no attempt to control that...but the willingness to accept and understand, the result is peace.
I didn't even vote this year. I don't think I ever will again. Let them do whatever they I am IN this world..not OF of it. To me, it is an endless game of cat-n-mouse. Like it or not, we have to live by the rules laid out by the governing what does it matter who sits in congress, the house, or in the presidency? They can control all of the superficials with laws and rules and money...but my conscience and my passion ultimately control my behavior, my belief, and my LIFE. It's that simple.
In closing...I believe 2013 to be a year of self-realization and the realization of the potential for greatness. I believe it to be a year unlike any other in the degree of people's ability to read between the lines, seeing what it truly means to be alive and well, and stopping the resistance. The more you push, the more the opposition pushes of nature. It would do the spirit of each person a great service to see themselves first AS the bigger picture...instead of wasting their attempts to finagle a place within it. We are shadow boxing the air. Once this attitude spreads and gains momentum (which I believe it to already be)...we can live as it was intended.
God Bless ALL of my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, teachers and healers, believers and doers, wherever you are on this earth or even light-years away...we share one heart, one soul, and are one family tied together in the spirit of love. I distance myself from all acts of hatred, indifference, intolerance, greed, pride, prejudice, the love of power and control, and the boundaries of which they originate.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...a day of remembrance is NOT enough. Lives LIVED in the legacy of love and the courage to overstep those "boundaries" is a true testament to the ultimate sacrifice you made. I love you man, rest in peace.
To add a bit of humor and lighten the mood a rendition of an old tune..."Lines, lines everywhere a line...blocking up the scenery, breaking my this, don't do that...can't you see the line."
Good day :)
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