Hello folks!!
I'm doing a little something different today. The entry that I am pasting into my blog this morning was meant to be just a personal journal entry...but then I was cruising through You Tube one evening while doing some reading and research and clicked on a video presentation and this song was playing in the background (thank GOD the name of the song was mentioned at the bottom, or I never would have known the name of it or the artist!!) This song is sung in a language termed "Loxian" which was specifically created for 3 songs on the album entitled "Amarantine" by Roma Ryan for the vocal artisit, Enya. The term "Loxian" is derived from the Greek word Loxos, which is said to mean "oblique" (at a slant or slanted). In any event...the entire song is just beautiful.
With all of that being said, this song, the vibe of it...the title of it...the entirety of it...summed up so very WELL the essence of my journal entry, so here you go......
I gaze onto the stream, seated on a bridge above, feet dangling, wind softly caressing my hair and there, I see myself..not in the mirrored reflection of the water’s surface, but way beneath, beside, and in the center--in the way it moves and doesn't-- in the way it sounds and doesn't sound-- in the way that there are so many parts that make up and FORM that ONE body. In the center, an urgency…a rushing, and this rushing makes sound and draws attention. It knows where it is going and is going there without hesitation. On the right side, a gently-moving circular swirl forms, going round and round taking with it fallen debris from the bowing branches of the trees above. Softly and slowly this small pool of swirling water turns with the leaves atop joining in its melodic dance. In the outermost part of this circle, the floating debris forms a line and gently breaks free of the circular motion and gracefully floats alongside of the faster-moving rushing water, where down the stream a bit, it will join it. Toward the water’s edge, there is stillness, silence, and no motion. It soaks up the warmth of the sun and seems to just wait patiently. It has nowhere to be and is content to be still. It knows that at some point, it too will join in, but knows that will only happen in its time. Underneath, the water is most still but teeming with life, life dependent upon it and it dependent on the life it contains. There, the life within is its only motion. It brings to it warmth from the still water of the edge and from the sun-kissed surface. There is an exchange of breath and nourishment. This life within can go anywhere…to the surface, to the edge, within the center of the rushing waters, and within the swirling pool. It has permission and power to seek every inch of it’s supporter. It has the ability to take from one part and contribute to the other and so it does.
Although I am observing from above, I am also amid because just like this water…this center-most part of me is always moving forward toward my destination. This part of me innately knows where I am going, without hesitation, with boundless energy, surging on. On either side of my center, there is the swirling nature of thought, moving round and round, and then gathering up the debris of my experiences and circumstance, taking them with me on my journey through the circle. Little by little my thoughts and experiences form a straight line and spill gently down the stream alongside my center and then join it in its journey home. At the water’s edge, the stillness just IS. It is the place of the deepest reflection. There, everything within can be viewed clearly. It is warmer and more and tranquil there. It is silent and motionless and just patiently waits to be moved. When the heavy rains come--it will, but until then, it is content to just BE. It is my peace. In the depths, there are other forms of life though dependent upon the waters for its life. It is the place of contribution, the exchange of life-giving force…nourishment…and support. This is my life-sustaining system and my universal family. It is made up of contribution, exchange, and experience. This place of wisdom, and home of my soul.
*The center rushing waters = destiny, vision, mission, and purpose.
*The swirling waters = the gathering place of thought and experience.
*The still waters = the place of reflection, truth, peace, and patience. This is where thought and experience meld to create knowledge and patiently waits for opportunity.
*The deep waters = the life-force of all things contained within working together to marry knowledge to wisdom and recognize opportunity when it presents itself.
*The entire body of water = Life’s journey home.
Begin to see yourself in all things....and you will experience God.
"In nature, we see where God has been. In our fellow man, we see where He is still at work."~Robert Brault.
"What do you think of God," the teacher asked. After a pause, the young pupil replied, "He's not a think, he's a feel."~Paul Frost.
"All are but parts of one stupendous whole.
Whose body Nature is and God the soul.
~Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, 1734.
"People see God everyday, they just don't recognize Him."~Pearl Bailey.
Namaste :)
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