Good New Year Morning to all!!
I awaken this morning to quiet in the homestead...bright sunshine...have already taken a nice scenic drive and listened to some set-your-ass-on-fire music...what a wonderful way to begin the day and a brand new year!! We have had very little snow and very few cold temps this winter so far. Yesterday and today...a turtleneck/hoodie...and I'm good to go...almost unheard of in these parts at this time of year...but I take it as nature's way of rebelling against what is known by history and thus perceived as truth now and making a mockery of it!! Anything can change. If I can look into my flower garden after it has snowed a couple of times and the temps have gotten down into the teens (with wind-chill) and see the color purple and green still peeking out amongst a backdrop of the brown and withered the first day of JANUARY, whereas last year this time, I was attempting to thaw out my toilet pipe with a hairdryer with snowfall being nonstop until April..I'm thinking it is a sign that THIS YEAR, things are changing..and I am READY for it.
Usually, New Year's day is just another day to me...and I just could really never wrap my head around a celebration of the "day after 365 or day #1 of 365." This year feels different to me. It is laced with a feeling of new beginnings, new challenges, new mindset, and gettin' down to business! I am full of positive, forward-thrusting energy that feels almost uncontainable as I look forward to setting into motion this new mindset that feels so "in tune" with who I am...which hasn't really happened in a very long time. The years 2008-2011, for me, were years of major conflict, hardship, confusion, and hard-truth, which led ultimately to the last part of 2011 being a season of re-evaluation, readministration, and reconstruction. I embrace this new year with an inward celebration unlike any other "ushering in." It feels right. It feels just. It feels balanced, and I know that this is a chance for me to take forward the new me that emerged once I opened my eyes this morning to greet this day. Things are already different, and my challenge to myself is to keep them on this path. No swaying, no dill-dallying, no FEAR.
I look to these lovely little wild pansies in my garden as an inspiration and today, January 1, 2012, the sun shines brightly and warmly upon them and they smile back...they have survived the cold, sunless, wet and mold against all odds. They tell me what it really means to be beautiful, different, strong, resilient...they tell me that living "within the season" means nothing...but creating for yourself, a season to LIVE means everything. It doesn't matter what surrounds you..whether it is alive or dead, with color or without, you can make for yourself a beautiful life that stands OUT among the rest DESPITE the circumstance and do it with grace.
My wish for all today and the year to come a season of prosperity, growth, good health, and a spirit of new beginnings. Take ahold of your dreams, your aspirations, your MIND--and with them, reach to the highest heights, push yourself to your limits, and bloom right there...where you are, no matter what the outside circumstance may be attempting to tell you about YOU. It can be little purple, life-filled January babies are proof of that!!
Sending good tidings of GREAT JOY your way...grab 'em!!
Lots of love,
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