Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Will to listen....

Hi everyone!!

I sit very sleepy-eyed this morning at my computer thinking about how much listening we really do, and how I think age is a big catalyst for changing our perspective of this trait of human existence. I think back to when I was young and I pretty much talked a lot, told people things, told myself and my body things...and vuala it would happen! How much do we really, really just be still and LISTEN--without talking, without thinking, without any already-trumped-up comeback or reply? Sometimes, just the internal conversations are maddening, it seems. We not only argue with others, but we probably sharpen those skills most by arguing with ourselves.

Like I mentioned, I think age has a lot to do with our sharpened sense of hearing. It seems as we age, we become more open to just "being" and more aware of our own voice, the voice of God, and the many ways we are spoken to by the universe. It is not always an audible voice, but visual, textural, colorful, vibrational..but all of these components seem to weave a beautifully harmonic nature and it seems we become more evenly calibrated with all that surrounds us.

If you are somewhat confused by my metaphoric slant upon "listening" to include all that envelopes our other senses, ask yourself this question--when you see something, touch something, hear something, taste something...what do you then SAY to yourself or others? "Wow, that piece of art is breathtaking." "That bite of steak tasted wonderful." "This blanket feels so soft and is so warm." Do we talk just to give others and ourselves the privilege of listening? LOL. Do we ask ourselves questions just to ask? Not so much. Everything we experience elicits some sort of wonder within us, from the tiniest level to sometimes, things most profound.

The best way to listen with all of your senses is first to just take it all in without questioning...instead of just feeling the breeze, listen to it. Instead of bird watching---do some bird listening. When you see something that piques your interest and you begin the inner dialog "wow, isn't that nice (or pretty)"...then ask yourself WHY does it appeal to you and then LISTEN to the answer. When you see something that may surprise you or challenge your reasoning--instead of giving it some sort of quick glance...really mull it over and think about what it could actually MEAN and the possibilities of why it is so--despite your own limited ability to give it an explanation--think about how it may fit into some bigger picture and then LISTEN to these possibilities and see if you can somehow attach some other happening to it...find the tie, the link...the harmony.

So much emphasis is put upon pushing through. What about when your body says "I've had enough for a while, I need to rest" but time is of the essence, the weather is cooperative,and it NEEDS to get done, and you are the only one who will do it....what do we do? I don't know about you, but I KEEP AT IT!! Because I don't LISTEN well. Now, while my body is telling me that it needs a rest from the more physically demanding work outdoors (ya know, cuz the planets are all aligned for me to get it done, lol) but I've spent SO much time outdoors that the inside of my home is in need of attention...and the work there is a LOT less demanding, more flexible, and less taxing upon my physical body...but yet, I cannot WASTE this nice weather--I am NOT listening, there is no tie, there is no harmony between what is being said and what is being done. So, I lay in bed, joints aching, back aching, neck aching...can't get comfortable or rest adequately for my "life-sustaining job" and I wake in the morning and come home to after work, a mess inside my home and an aching, sore body that keeps PUSHING through.

Taking a break from the now physically defeating outside work and spending my time inside tinkering around with routine household chores and cleaning provides the tie to the bigger picture...clean outside, clean inside. Feeling of well-being outside, feeling of well-being inside. Healing my overworked body by doing easier, lighter work---but still staying active and accomplishing something...HARMONY...the bigger picture...and shit...who knew that all I really had to do was LISTEN!!

Not listening is self-defeating and self-depleting. We need to let go of tunnel matter how much we try to convince ourselves that the moment is perfect for such a time...when there is some part of you that is urging you to STOP...just do it, don't argue back.

Sit back, take a deep breath, look, listen, clear your mind and let the voice that knows better be heard...sometimes, your will needs a break too!!

"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."~Rabindranath Tagore.

"Just remaining quietly in the presence of God, listening to Him, being attentive to Him, requires a lot of courage and know-how."~Thomas Merton.

"No, it's not a very good story - its author was too busy listening to other voices to listen as closely as he should have to the one coming from inside."~Stephen King.

"The subconscious is ceaselessly murmuring, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears the truth."~Gaston Bachelard

"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk."~Robert Baden-Powell.

Take life in...when you feel compelled to TALK OVER the whispers...try yielding to them instead.

Blessings to all!!

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