Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Compelling Characteristic of Disenchantment

"Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives."~ William Throsby Bridges.

Hello readers!!

I opened my post this morning with the above quote, as it was shared with me a few days ago (in a shorter version)...but more wordy or less...the same idea.  It got me thinking (as if EVERYTHING doesn't do

In some of my past posts, I have briefly eluded to a book I've been working on...and how pain-staking it has been for me.  I noted that it seems that I grow beyond my words and that what was spoken yesterday, in some manner or another seem irrelevant today.  However, as one person who knows the struggle it has been for me to match content with context read it, he said "You always have to keep in mind (my given name inserted here)...that your "yesterday" could very well be someone else's today or tomorrow.  You are a very high-minded individual, yet, you have a great capacity for very grounded dialect.  This appeals to people.  Everyone,whether they recognize it or not, is striving to grow and improve.  The words you write come from a life you've lived, which automatically lends you credibility, which any successful author will tell you and any publishing house will back up is THE key.  Right off the bat, your personality, what is important to you, and why it is important to you shines through...don't be so hard on yourself...take a may be more than pleasantly surprised."

And so this life-long gentle nudging has built up to a prodding, bugging, every-day "work on the book."  "What are you doing with the book?"  "Wouldn't you feel completely crushed if this was your only chance to live your dream, and you missed it because you were too damn busy disbelieving in yourself and talking yourself out of it?"  "Remember how you LIVE your a manner that when you die, you have no regrets?"  "Who cares if others don't believe in you or your abilities."  "What would happen if you did, didn't---if you failed or succeeded?"  <----ALL of THIS has become a RAGING war inside, coupled with the disenchantment I experience with the daily realities of my life.  This is NOT the life I had even remotely envisioned myself living.  I envisioned my life revolving around my purpose FOR it--not the drudgery of being a minion for anyone else's.   I am now receiving "hints" from the universe (laugh if you feel the need)---which are all too VERY familiar.  Those little "uncomfortable thingies" that tell me.."time to leave this" or "initiate that" or "take charge now, or suffer the fallout of someone else doing it FOR you...because whether  you resist OR is going to are only prolonging the inevitable."--AND "how many times must you be tested and always rebel due to weakness and lack of trust in yourself and your abilities only to suffer the consequence of learning the hard way?"  "It is much easier to fall upon a cushion than it is the concrete."  "Don't wait until you have to FIRST put the pieces back together once again before you can move forward...there is an open road in front of you...stop waiting for the crash...and just DRIVE!!!"  "Throw away this masochistic streak-once and for all--you have already proven your brute strength---NOW USE IT!!!!!"  Now tell many of you have something like this going on?  No, I mean really?  Probably every one of us has this to some extent, don't we?

SO....I contacted my nephew (whom I have spoken to before about helping out a little bit with this book  Because I am a patient person...and it has been a work in progress for SO very long already, I noted to him that I really have no time I know nothing ever happens until its time anyway.  This young man is so very bright and has worked as an editor...knows some ins and outs of the business...and is willing (God LOVE him) to coach me along somewhat, but advised that I procure a literary agent.  WOW!!  Like I said to him "that all sounds so involved and professional."  I had done some research in self-publishing..ebook in Kindle format with Amazon and threw that idea out to him...but I don't think he shared my the literary agent suggestion was his response to that query.

So now...I am on the search for this literary agent...though, I am making this all background noise for now--until he mulls over my ramblings and gives me his professional opinion of what I am actually accomplishing here versus what I am trying to accomplish--and how "far out" or "cohesive" my style is to the points I am trying to make.  I am not that haughty to believe on my own that I have a product that is worth picking up.  I will rely on the professionals to lend me critique...and go from there.

So I guess my message is....heed that voice of nuance...the one that whispers beneath the louder opinion of yourself, your limited view of yourself...and take these moments of disenchantment you experience and allow them to instruct you.  Envision what success---NOT THE ROAD TO IT...will feel like, smell like, taste it will change your life, how you feel about yourself, and what you will do with these changes and what these changes will do FOR you.  Make it REAL...and then check the response your body has to this belief.  Does it feel less tense, less anxious, less bothered.  Is the dread replaced by excitement...and the doubt replaced by fearlessness?  Is there a voice that now says "If I could do THAT...then I can do just about anything?"  This is the vision I have of an  "exorcism"....where the "spirit of the Lord COMPELS you."  We all have a choice...we could allow disenchantment beat us down further...or we could utilize it to compel us to climb.

Anyone have any suggestions for some good climbin' shoes?

My best to you always.


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