Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

"This Is To Be My Symphony"

Good Morning everyone!!!

Wow...I am ending a 5-day procrastination bent today as I am greeted this morning with the most beautiful sunny morning!!  Downfall of living in the Northeastern part of the states...seasonal depression!!  No matter how damn happy you seem to be going into winter, (as fall is my favorite season) you ALWAYS end up feeling somewhat detained if not completely imprisoned toward the end of it.  About this time of year though, we Nor-easterners feel obligated to help spring along a bit by doing things that probably should be done in we get that damn itch!!  We've been locked up inside & forced to readjust our lives to fit within a 9-10-hour block of daylight each is futile!!  Nature always wins--Ha!

As you could probably assume...and maybe you don't really care all that much--if at all..I read A LOT during the winter season.  I gather information like animals gather food to get through it.  If the body is sedentary, the mind needs fuel!

I sent the forward to my book to a friend the other day, as she had posted on FB a status that got quite a bit of interest and created the thread of my dreams!!  <---well, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration.  Thought I will say, it was quite refreshing to see someone else post their thoughts about "life" and to see that she suffered the same frustration when it came to expressing them to others without it leading to some sort of issue of debate. My biggest frustration is that the spoken/written language, as advanced and versatile as it is seems to be is really SO very limited (and limit-ING) when attempting to explain things of deeper meaning.  Those pesky language-elusive truths and anomalies of character--which I now to believe are meant to be "only for display."  Words just don't come close to paying homage to anything meaningful and try and try as we might to assign them, we always fall short.

It is my belief that in this world of "hurry up and wait" and "keeping up with the Jones'" and all of these new and shining gadgets of imperial technology, we have completely lost the most important part of our communication skills.....READING them.  It isn't about the is about the display.  Technology has made "language" the foundation of all that is.  Every computer has a "language"...and every one of these devices has a "code" and more often than not...they require the use of  letters, words, & numbers to effectively use them.  Where does this leave the "unspoken language?"  I'm waiting for the first wedding to use cell-phone texting as a manner to recite vows to one another...go ahead and laugh...but it IS coming to this.

As I STRUGGLE to explain who I am, why I am the way I am, and why it is SO important to be to stay true to this essence I know so well....I stumble upon this excerpted writing.....though even in its strikingly true to ME "description", there is still a broader enigmatic force inside of me that begs to be recognized.  However, when I read this....I recognized right away a subtle bridged gap between the written word and how I know myself to view things and how my life is patterned around this isn't complete by any means, but it at least gives me hope that one day, I will too be able to at least get closer to easing my frustration.  Please read on:

To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion;
to be worthy, not respectable...and wealthy, not rich;
to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly;
to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages with open heart;
to bear all cheerfully,
do all bravely,
await occasions,
hurry never;
in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden, and unconscious
grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony~ William Ellery/Henry Channing.

I can read this and find this expression in any number of my posts on here, in the book I am writing, my thoughts, my actions, and the words I speak.  At the end...."In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden, and unconscious grow up through the common"  THIS is what we need...this is what we have lost...this is why there is so much misunderstanding.  Common is just common...and EVERYONE is falling all over themselves to achieve it...very few seek to be above or set themselves apart from commonality, therefore, it is barely, if at all recognized in themselves or others.

At times, I feel encased by perpetual winter...being closed in and limited, only having a few precious hours of daylight....though most of those gloomy, cold, and wet--having to take extra care to travel safely, cover up adequately to protect myself from the elements and limiting myself to the outside to avoid the discomforting chill.  However...I also realize that there is nothing out there that can compare to that which I've come to know and live by.  I wouldn't change a thing about myself, even if it meant never again being lonely, bored, or having to struggle.  I prize that display of  language which I've enabled myself learn within myself and read in others.  I believe that my education in this life has been a treasure and there is something deep down inside that reminds me often of this--despite circumstance.

I think this is why the sunshine, sounds of nature, signs of life, palette of various colors, and warmer temperatures lift my spirit so much.  The outside becomes cohesive with the inside.  The bond I've forged with nature is the ultimate bond.  It moves beyond attachment, has no need for words in exchange, and is complete in itself.  It is the epitome of refinement, elegance, and meaning.

Much love to all!!

Heralding the arrival of spring!!

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