Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Feeling is believing....

Hello people!

Yeah, I'm getting back to blogging on a more regular basis I guess..lucky you!! (Hahahaha)

The night before last, I watched "Through the Wormhole" with Morgan Freeman, the episode was about the 6th sense and whether or not we have one and if so, where it originates and how it is so. It was very interesting for someone like me, who seems to vibe off of EVERYTHING. It was somewhat of a validation for me and made me feel good that scientists are actually spending time researching this phenomenon. However, at one point in the program, it was said that most people don't realize they have this 6th sense as their existence (and existence of things around them) are over-ridden by their primary senses of sight, sound, touch...etc... I find this to be a very TRUE statement...however, what about those of us who tip the scales the opposite direction..I waited and waited for something to be said about that, but to no avail.

As I listened, I couldn't help but think that my thoughts, my life, my beliefs, and the way I navigate through all above mentioned is by my 6th sense primarily. I have been taught that what you SEE isn't necessarily what is...what you hear isn't necessarily the truth, and what we are and what we experience in this life is not limited to the 5 primary senses. These are all SECONDARY senses to me...used as validation after the fact more so than the concrete. I FEEL first ALWAYS. I get "gut" feelings about everything first. This is probably why I really suck at remembering names of new people I meet...I am more tuned into their body language and how they are expressing more than who they say they are and what they are expressing. I first need to get a good feeling about someone before I remember anything about them. My take...what good is knowing someone's name, what they do for a living, how they happened to be in this space at this time... if I am never going to share space with them again...To be totally honest, if I get a bad vibe about someone, my radar goes straight to INTENT, and then I start building a profile of them by their body language, the words they speak, how they speak them, and then begin to ask myself "now WHY would this person say this." This is how I get to KNOW someone. It is amazing to me how many people use the fact that MOST people are unaware of a 6th sense because it is over-ridden by the priamry senses!! But NOT everyone is like this. There are people like me who see right PAST all of the superficial. I believe that I have been this way for so long that this is my nature, which goes against conventional physiological/biological thought. If I were to describe how I relate to people it would be....I go straight to the core of the person...I pass GO, leave the $200 behind and then cash in at the end of the game. I don't even have to look, it presents itself to me immmediately. The vibe comes before the introduction and from there, it takes center stage in my "getting to know someone." So to be called a 6th sense to me is almost is more like my leading sense, my first sense...other senses as far as people are concerned are nothing more than tools to validate. I would love to be the object of study in one of these research trials on "universal thought process and behavior" so that I could better understand MYSELF!!

But the bummer of this is that this there all the is not just when I first meet is there in my everyday connections with people...those in my family, etc. My kids have often said.."I don't lie to you mom, because it just doesn't work...we get caught every time" I am not easily fooled, even by those I love the most and those whom I overlook the most..My radar is ALWAYS running concentrating on "intent" always...why is this person saying this? Why is this person doing this? Why now instead of yesterday...why, why, why...and to be honest with ya'll, I am very RARELY wrong. From the smallest of "little whites" to the largest lies of all...I can feel them, read them, and figure out why they are being told or why a certain behavior is being displayed. I can literally FEEL the emotion of the other person, whether it be tension, nerviousness, sadness, confusion, joy, whatever it may be, it permeates me as if they were my own is all very strange.

At times, I believe this to be a gift; other times, a curse. It makes it difficult to be completely at peace when everyone's vibes are invading your psyche all the time and then your mind is busy decoding..there have been MANY things I would have wished to not know about someone, but the truth always seems to find its way to me whether I am equipped to handle it or not...and THIS is the curse of it all. Even though I have the ability to see the truth...the technology of my "processor" is archaic. Putting it all in perspective is what is difficult, especially when there are "feelings" attached to it.

Okay, I have chewed year ears off long enough..or should I say your "eyes out"...

“Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer.”
Robert Graves

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein

“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”
santiz Jonas Salk

Have a great day everyone....and be careful

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