Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I go to prepare a place for you....

Hi Folks!!]

As I promised...a continuation of my post yesterday...well, at least a continuation of interpretation!

I've been having this reoccurring dream where I am in this HUGE house with a totally redundant amount of HUGE rooms...and I know that this is my house, so I am trying to (room by room) figure out purposes for each of them.  I even remember saying in my dream (to whomever was there--more than once)  "How many living rooms can one person have or does one person need...this is ridiculous!!"  I also have this feeling that I do not yet live there, but that I go there and work on one room at a time.  I also have this feeling that some of the rooms that I enter, I've been in before but have forgotten they existed and have to recollect that they have always been there--but one thing rings true EVERY time I go there...I seem to "acquire" or discover a new room.

However, the last dream I had about this house-- I remember designing as a "pool-hall/bar-room/lounge area and my purpose for going back was to show whomever was with me how it was coming along.  I completely remember how it was set up and exactly what it looked like, and I had one entire wall of floor to ceiling windows installed on the East end of it.  The other end of this room wasn't completely finished yet--so I got to work peeling down some old and ugly wallpaper..and as I did, behind the wallpaper, I discovered 4 huge floor to ceiling gray barn-wood doors.  I remember thinking..."so they didn't even build a wall over them or replace them with a wall--just "covered" them with this wallpaper."  It probably would be pertinent to note before I go much further into detail that this is how I discovered most of  the rooms of this house, as some were hidden.  It seemed that every time I would come back, I would discover yet ANOTHER extra-large room to do something with--and every time it happened, it was like discovering a treasure.  It was exciting and I could not wait to see what was behind those doors!!  As I opened the barn doors, instead of an additional inside room, it was an entrance from the house to an outdoor barn or (of course) mammoth garage.  I looked to the right, and there parked in this huge space was a huge vehicle--the biggest tanker semi truck I had ever seen in my life!!  I remember thinking...WOW, well, this is a good place for that...and it seems that this space ALREADY has a purpose, so I was relieved in a sense that this space didn't need anything from me to finish it...but perplexed at the same time.

This last encounter with my mansion in the dream-state was approximately one week ago.  When I woke up and came downstairs--over coffee, I discussed this dream with a friend.  I told him that I had been having this dream (although the dream itself wasn't exactly the same) was a "sequel" dream of sorts, where I kept traveling back and forth to and from this (same) house that I knew was mine only to discover room after room after room...and also made mention of "how many damn rooms can one house is CRAZY!!"  I sort of kept the mental notes, and quickly put it in the back of my mind--like I had done so many times before.

A few nights I was falling asleep (I'm thinking I was right in between semi-wakefulness and deep sleep), I audibly heard a male's voice quietly say to me "In heaven, there are many rooms."  As soon as I heard this, my eyes POPPED open and I just laid there very still wondering who the hell that was in my room that had just spoke to me--and ya know, at that point, and even until a couple of days later...I didn't think about the reoccurring dream I had been having!!  I had all but forgotten about it--again.  When I got out of bed the morning after this, I was on a mission!!  Being the "master of metaphor" that I have become through the years, I sought to find the meaning in these words.  As they were being spoken to me, I figured, it had to mean SOMETHING.  So for an entire day, I researched (and found some pretty profound shit!!)...but something seemed to be missing.  There were a few really good explanations, but I could not really attach them to me, anything else, or each other, so I kept searching.  Out of the blue, I remembered my dream...THAT was the missing link.  What struck me EVERYTIME I would have it was the NUMBER of rooms in this house...and how each of these rooms manifested as a "new discovery", some of them I had forgotten were there until I revisited, and how I worked tirelessly to give them all some sort of purpose that tied them into the whole.

Once I remembered the aspects of each of these dreams, the feelings I had in this place--the knowledge that it was mine but because I kept finding new rooms each time I went, it wasn't move-in ready--so I hadn't completely moved in yet, how this last room that I had discovered was "almost" finished upon my return, and as I was working on getting rid of that old and tired wallpaper TO finish it, I discovered yet MORE DOORS--which led to the storage facility of a VERY LARGE vehicle--and this then became the last room I had discovered.  And then a few nights later...a voice that spoke "Heaven has many rooms"...the research that I had to do to unravel the mystery became a LOT easier.  *Sorry about the run-on nature of this VERY large sentence, but if I were explaining it to you...I don't think my excitement would have allowed me to pause!

This is my explanation:  Because I am one who strives to find the meaning in everything because I know that everything happens for a reason...I am always searching and questioning.  The meaning of some things already comes recognizably attached-- but most often, that tie that binds lay hidden beneath the betwixt the nuance of it all. I have a very expansive mind and I challenge it most often, the messages I receive about my "path" in life are set in this manner.  Notable to mention--how Jesus, himself would relay messages to people---in parables, metaphor, & riddles.  Life is a series of mysteries--some answer the call to solve them--some don't.  If the power is IN YOU to solve them and to live them and to enjoy the interesting twists and turns they add to the mundane--then you would be cheated if someone were to just TELL you outright exactly what it is that you are experiencing.  The old adage, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" comes to mind.  This is the way in which I believe the universe prompts us, intrigues us to follow, and leads us.  WE have to figure the answer out OURSELVES--but, if we are on our toes and we SEEK to find the answer...when we do indeed find it, we also see that it has been set up so perfectly FOR us that we then experience a moment of irony that really tests our sense of humor and ability to laugh at ourselves--and THIS, I do often!!

I am going to break down the meaning of  "In Heaven, there are many rooms."

First of all, Heaven and Hell (to me) are not "physical" places.   They are the "dwelling places" of the soul.  They are states of consciousness.  There many planes of consciousness--and all are driven by imagination, perception, and because we are also human---circumstance.  We travel between heaven and hell on an almost daily basis--maybe even minute to minute sometimes.  Though, while we are on earth, we need to keep a healthy balance between the two--as we are still "living beings."  Our foundation is to be in the center--but our mission is to "go back to whence we came."  As we travel through life, we become more aware of our own unique purpose in it and we are provided with tools and/or vehicles.  It is very pertinent to be mindful that this "tool or vehicle" is not the purpose in itself, but the manner in which to REACH our destination.  These vehicles are also frequently termed "gifts."  They seem to come from no where, are not the result of any formal training, and if you are anything like me, you discover more and more of them that you never even thought you had--and they usually spawn from a love of something, a vision, and a deep desire to "do it yourself" and leave your own personal mark.  Now within our soul are MANY facets and within the dwelling places of it are many chambers.  Each of these chambers contain what we need to complete our WHOLE.  Just as a room is contained within a house...they all have their own individual purpose in making it a home.   They all look different, serve different, and are used differently---but are also cohesive and contributory to the whole.  Each facet of our soul is assigned to a different chamber.  Some of these chambers we have discovered before, turned away from, but come back to revisit--so they are not yet completed.  Some of them are new discoveries---but each needs to be completed and enmeshed with the others BEFORE we can completely move in.

I believe that the room I was working on that was "almost" completed--the bar-room, pool hall, lounge...was the last room I have to complete.  I don't think I will be having this dream anymore.  I got the message.  I believe that it represented the "SOCIAL" aspect of my life,which I have only begun to revisit and spruce up a bit.  It is either the networking part of my destiny or my "partner" part of my destiny OR both, which will in some way interweave anyway.  It is where someone is going to "point me out"...or "point someone out TO me" and where that big vehicle will be stumbled upon and discovered in reaching my destination.

So this, my friends is part II to my post yesterday.  There have been so many things happening and new discoveries about myself and the direction of which my life has taken..and all of them have been positive and let me know that I am now on the right track (again).  I've learned that these places I've seen and been to before (as the rooms in this house) are being revisited and remembered and finally...their purpose is now on the way to completion.  I had left them behind and all but forgotten them in the detours I have taken...but when I come back...I remember them well and I need to nurture them and assign to them...meaning.. and incorporate them according to their own individual contribution to the whole.

As I was sitting, writing this...yet another rather curious thing happened...that was VERY relative to what I had written.....and maybe (we shall see).... there will be a part III.

Thank you for reading...from my home to yours...I wish for you all that you dream and more importantly, the ability to recognize it when it presents itself to you.
God Bless!!


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