Good morning everyone....we FINALLY got some rain yesterday, which we have needed so very badly for so very long, and finally, I think it was enough to actually do a bit of good. Lazy, lazy day for me yesterday, as it was my only day off and I quite enjoyed just sitting on the porch with my extra large cup of java watching and listening to the rain with my animals.
Those who visit my site regularly ..(thank you)..pretty much know what to expect when they come here. I dig right down to the core of everything & usually way inside of there, there is a message---something meaningful and positive to extract. Someone even said to me "God, you just bear your soul in front of everyone--I wouldn't ever be able to do that." And onlookers...this is how it appears. However, my belief is that we are of one soul--the same one--at the core, so in reality, the soul I bear is collective. Those who know themselves and stay true to themselves will probably say that they actually see or feel a part of themselves as they read--and this is why I do it. It is not to lay myself out there before the there are many more facets of ME that cannot even begin to be recognized through the written word alone. I write this blog to reach out, to impart, to build up and hold in high esteem--LOVE. It is something that I am compelled to do. It is not a mere hobby or something I do for enjoyment. It is a commission, a drive, a need and what I believe to be one of many means in which I make my contribution to humanity. It may seem like small potatoes in the scope of all of humanity...but to me, a stepping stone in the right direction---and my readers come from all over the world. I feel the need so deeply, that if I weren't to write something every day or use another means to encourage someone somehow ...I would wither away and die. I NEED to care. This blog is one of the vehicles I use to do that. I figure that if I have information and have lived the proof of that information myself to complete validity...keeping it to myself would be selfish. What if Albert Einstein were to have kept the result of his drive a secret...or Martin Luther King, Jr., or Mother Theresa??
Speaking for myself, I need that kind of positive, uplifting, and loving guidance...whether I am at a place of peace in my life or not. I need that sometimes esoteric validation of revelation by another---and then I step back and look at what it is that makes this person's words, perceptions, experiences, and outcome so important and resonant to me...and it is the profound similarity of feeling, mindset, and action to my very own. This deeper kind of validation is what allows us to trust and grant credibility. This trust and credibility are the makings of courage...the courage it takes to allow ourselves to be somewhat vulnerable. Without vulnerability...the conveyance of REAL love cannot be exchanged and the words of REAL truth cannot be spoken or understood.
Since I can remember, I have been frequently sought-out for advice, a shoulder to cry on, and for guidance. Though the scale in which I've made this contribution throughout the years can be considered very small, we must always be mindful of the "six degrees of separation." I bear this concept in mind every time I speak, write, AND listen.
As my blog title, itself suggests, we are representative of ALL in ONE. My drive in this life is to allow my greatest potential to unfold without hindrance or fear, to hold myself back from the temptation to withdraw due to some egotistical need for acceptance and/or approval of others. And in so doing, I hope to spread healing, courage, and abundant potential to others.
FEAR is the comes in many forms...and it is always self-limiting, self-demeaning, and self-defeating. Some of you may not entirely understand why I do this or how I can do this...and to those of you who express this...ask yourself *WHY. This IS the taboo question...the one EVERYONE is conditioned to avoid or make an excuse for. If you can be insightful enough to at least honestly answer this for yourself, within yourself without the "fear" of retribution from will probably find that you've been under-exposed and there is a drive way down in there that could be used in contribution that you have just been "too afraid" to bring to light. Your lamp belongs on a stand...NOT underneath it. And this light is not FOR even the blind can...with pretty astute accuracy travel about their own familiar surroundings..the light is for let them know where to find YOU, so the exchange can be made.
* Pertinent to note that in a Human Service college course I took, I was told by the instructor that mental health therapists are not EVER to ask their clients "why." I remember thinking "Are you effing kidding me?" I was FLOORED to say the least, as I KNOW that any healing I ever completely accomplished BEGAN by asking myself that VERY QUESTION. So this led me to ask myself how concerned society (collectively) REALLY is about (the individual's) healing. Then I began to think about the implications that would result in the realization that all of our healing potential came from the ability to ask that particular question of ourselves coupled with the courage to answer it honestly. Dependency consumption (which is also completely WOVEN of fear) would become a thing of the past. I also discovered that though the direct question of WHY is avoided at all costs...the technique is to lead you there (at their pace) anyway. Why are we so afraid of approaching ourselves? Why do we feel we need a middle-man (a stranger, no less) to accomplish what we have already within ourselves to accomplish?
I will be publishing a post dedicated to this menacing spirit of fear, restlessness, boredom, and master of appearances soon...I felt you may need a primer.
I send to you some of my peace..of which I have an abundance...I offer to you some of my strength...of which I can spare...and most of all, I send to you the will to comfort and care for the soul we all share...of which I have learned is MY responsibility.
God's speed and blessings to you and all of that and whom you love.
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