Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The mark of true genius..chaotic complexity or humble simplicity?

Well, it has been a couple of dreary and kinda chilly days round these parts!! Yesterday, a youngest graduated high school with a regents diploma of advanced designation and recieved 3 scholarship awards. So the first two years of college paid for and THEN SOME!! Congrats to my baby girl!! During the Valedictorian Address given by her friend and softball team-mate, I got very emotional over the wisdom in the words she spoke. such a young age, these kids seem to be running circles around we late bloomers!! And the thing that is most striking to me was the action that predated those words. A true example of genuine character,speaking metaphorically, analytically, and matter-of-factly...standing firm in her defense of them...and more importantly, breathing life into them. Contratulations to you as well T.K., and best wishes to you in your future endeavors, you have and will continue to succeed!

Every milestone and experience in life that I am merely a witness to that evokes some sort of deep emotional response in me is a catalyst for piquing my curiosity and sending me into thought overdrive...and trust me...the sky is the limit here!! Once that curiosity gets spinning, I can attach a similarity to the most seemingly opposing ideas...and I LOVE when that happens.

That being said, I have had occasion to watch a fair amount of the Science channel...well, Morgan Freeman/Through the Wormhole. First of all, I LOVE Morgan Freeman, secondly, some of the topics on this show are excedingly interesting to me. I am really not much of a science buff, but there is a place for it within my thought process to be sure. There are all of these opposing ideas of how the universe came into being and where/how human beings originated. The theory of "everything" is a very intriguing subject; however, I do not believe that science ALONE will ever uncover the entire truth, and this is the missing piece of the puzzle...there seems to be no acceptance of global idea here...each scientific theorist holds firm to their belief and forges ahead with a "preconcieved idea" and conviction...UNTIL they discover something within that mindset that perplexes them...and isn't this the way of things..the way to keep people intrigued enough to keep searching. They can put years and years of effort into researching and experimenting and theorizing to bring tangible evidence to an idea..only to find within it...another riddle, which could invariably stall the forward progression and force them to detour and maybe join forces with team of a quite different theory. THIS is where I believe answers will be found...when forces are JOINED and acceptance is practiced...because I believe that the answer to the "theory of everything" can only be found in "everything"...everyone/everything holds a piece of the truth...and within that truth is a common thread that runs through all. It is not science/mathematics/history versus philosophy/psychology/faith...but an equal measure of all. There is such a vast amount of variables in every question we pose to ourselves and we can create such COMPLEXITY out of things so simple. I believe that common sense should reign and allow the tangible/proven aspects confirm and validate. Not EVERYONE can understand scientific method..mathematical correlates...but I do believe that each and every one of us is innately equipped with common sense...what good is discovering the TRUTH if a large percentage of people cannnot fully understand how we arrived at it?

My take....SIMPLE is the key. If you look around you, you can see how everything around us has really always been...only, it becomes more refined...and through this "refining" is looked at as being "better." Ancient architecture...hand-carving slabs of marble into staircases, cathedrals, etc...versus the modern arcitecture we see today...more simple, less time...BUT a building nevertheless. The act of refining is like a polishing of what already is...simplifying...just as mathematicians simplify...I believe the answer is just SIMPLE..and the powers that be are watching all of the tail chasing and laughing...because in the end, if we ever do catch our tails...we only end up with a mouthful of ass anyway!! Right?

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."~Albert Einstein.

"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."~Albert Einstein.

"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking."~Albert Einstein.

Good Day Friends!

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