Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The truth is....

Good Morning Everyone!!

Well, it has been a few days since I last posted..been getting up a little late, now that summer is here, my Hester prefers to sleep on the porch furniture. Truth is, I have been rather busy lately with traveling to watch my daughter's softball games among other things. Another truth is, I really haven't been able to settle my mind down long enough to sit and write anything because everything has all been just a bit hectic.

Truth is....hmmm, guess I will begin there. The truth is something you can never escape. It is always there. You can hide it, you can run from it, you can bend it, you can ignore it, or you can just turn it into a lie...but it is always there and at some point, we all gotta face it. Every truth we try to avoid in some way ultimately does the most damage to the one avoiding it. It's funny how it eats away at you but you can find some other excuse all the time.."it's this or that" and then you waste time trying to fix the "this or that" that really doesn't need fixing...they are just offspringing problems from the truth you avoid. You can make yourself "feel" better temporarily, but the truth will not leave you alone until you FACE it, tell it to yourself, and concede to it. Otherwise, you may very well end up living a self-sabatoging life, spending your valuable time sweeping up the messes you make by your avoidance.

I have lately had to render myself to a truth that I had avoided for a time out of hurt, pride, and principle. I am very big on PRINCIPLE...but sometimes truth and principle do NOT go hand in hand and the truth always brings a bigger battle. The truth goes hand in hand with LOVE. They are actually one in the same to me I guess. You know you are avoiding this when the internal dialect starts to take over your life...where you head and heart are in constant arguement. The head owns principle...the heart owns love, and each of them battle it out inside your gutts until you just cannot take it anymore...Your choices? Self-sabatoge or surrender. My facebook status one day was "You can only lie to yourself for so long before you begin to turn into someone you don't even know or like anymore." THIS is the TRUTH. Life is about RISKS...there are no guarantees in anything. Most of the choices we make are at best, the "more reasonable" all around for our lives, but they have no guarantee attached stating you can retract that decision and get something equally as good in return...and this is where hope and faith step in. Without them, we would just be wandering idiots...much like we are when we are avoiding the truth, because in those times, you also lose your faith and hope because they cannot be utilized without truth and love.

I have been a wandering idiot now for about 5 months because I let principle and pride step in for love and truth. It was; however, a place I needed to be for a time. There are places we all must VISIT once in a while to help us gain perspective...those dark places of regret, anger, revenge...sometimes, we need reminding of the difference and this is WHY there is an opposite...they are there for OUR UTILIZATION in times of confusion and distress. It is very important; however, that you do not pack your bags and move right in though, because it is a place of temporary animated suspension and not meant to build a life upon, it floats, and it never reaches the ground. The only place with no opposite is ONE..this is the place of convergence of love and truth, hope and faith...and this is the place where the internal dialect ceases, you see most clearly, and you wake in the morning without that gnawing emptiness in the pit of your stomach where a smile reaches your face and you feel you can breathe again.

The thing I have learned is when there is still TRY inside you, when there is still CARE inside you, when there is still FIGHT inside you, and most importantly, when there is still LOVE inside take as many risks and chances as it takes because to not do so will turn you callous and cold and your life into a never-ending search for comfort and some may be found, but it is never lasting. The biggest victory is to conquer self. Love will always find its way, this is out of your control and it is a very MEAN, MEAN monster if you attempt to cross it.

Stop the arguement inside, surrender and is all for your benefit, and a gift to those to use it with open eyes.

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." ~Oscar Wilde.

"Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within"~James Arthur Baldwin.

"Unless your heart and soul and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness."~Unknown.

Living against the truth turns you away from your natural state of being, becomes a life of habit, one without any moral character, one without any meaning, one without any sense of self. It is dangerous.

Much love to all, have a great day!!

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