Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Into the great wide-open...

Good morning!!

Boy, it is a brisk one closed and if I had some kindling inside, I would probably build a fire in the fireplace to chase the chill out of the house...though, I would probably be sorry about mid-day when the temps decide to climb up into the 80s!

Everything is going pretty well these days. All of my kids are officially "adults" now and I am ushering in change. The more the better. Although, I have noticed that some of these changes are exhausting and take some getting used to. Others, I am not so sure if I like right now..and yet there is ONE area of my life that NEEDS an overhaul IMMEDIATELY if not sooner, and that is the "job" area. I have been stuck in the same career now for over 16 years and it has gotten to the point where this position has been widdled down to nothing more than a number to assist the rich in getting richer...there is no real contribution here and I do it ONLY for the paycheck. There is NO sense of wellbeing attached to what I spend most of my week doing and it is taking its toll on my psyche. So I am actively searching for something different.

For so many years, I was afraid of change, I think. I am a creature of habit, I guess...I liked the security of the familiar, but for some reason, now, I have this overbearing NEED to spread my wings and dive into things unconventional and foreign to me. It is like this sense of freedom and a whole great big world out there, and I want to break out of this cocoon I've safely wrapped myself up in and fly into unchartered territory. I am bored with the familiar, and unhappy with the illusion of certainty. I have rediscovered this vitality within me that I have not been acquainted with since my teens...and the funny thing is...I think others are noticing it too. I'm not even really all that picky about type of work I get either because, to me, it will be temporary until I finish my education, I just know that I cannot continue to do what I am doing now because it just doesn't fit into the mindset anymore and hasn't for a very long time. It is an infernal buzz-kill to be sure!
So wish me luck on lining up what I do for a living to my overall sense of making a contribution...and I will wish for you all peace, joy, and freedom in your future endeavors as well!!

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”~Benjamin Franklin.

"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown." ~Unknown author.

“It's not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity.”~Francis Bacon, Sr.

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