Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mirror, mirror on the wall....

Good morning ya'll!!

I'm baaack!! HA! I sit here this morning and think "man, I am SUCH an observer!" I just sit back, watch & listen to EVERYTHING going on around me. I have recently joined an online group that is geared toward making people more "aware" and to promote self-realization. Kinda the same thing I do here...only the audience on this particular site is IMMENSE. It amazes me how many people are reaching for something meaningful in themselves and their lives. I find that my "delicacy" is hard to maintain; however, as the truth CAN BE, and often times IS brutal. One thing that sticks out to me in many of these scenarios I've had chance to study is how SELF-LIMITING we are. We blame all kinds of "other" things, people, and circumstances...but the barrier lies WITHIN. I couldn't help but think...if this person was in front of me right now, I would throw a bucket of water on them, or smack them, or do something to get their ATTENTION. Have we all become so SOFT that the only way we can be "spoken" to is in a whisper? Have we become so guarded that the only thing we can do is defend? Do we turn the word and act of compassion into some snuggly, cozy, comfortable, and warm thing...that stands in agreement with everything we say, believe, and do? Do we look at EVERY trial in our lives as "life trying to cheat me & beat me", so we can create a stage for blame, accusation, and justification? I must say...from where I certainly appears this way. THIS is the problem people...

I will paste something on here that I wrote and shared on my FB account some time back, as it is is Entitled "Wake Up":

Wonder what would happen if we stopped categorizing and cataloging, and boxing everything up into our own little comfortable compartments, and began to see new ideas and discoveries as being a "part of" instead of an "alternative to." What if we could lend our conviction to acceptance...holy shit..we may discover that there is an entire UNIVERSE out there and we may even experience substantial and meaningful things on a daily basis...what a SHAME that would be!!

THIS is how I approach the sugar-coating, no pleasing-to-the-eye nothing...Why is it so difficult for people to just take responsibility for themselves? My answer to this would be CONDITIONING...societal role playing, a governmental and media hazing ceremony...only this isn't a sorority or fraternity...these are human beings...who belong to a higher order right down to our DNA that the world is trying to program. In order to control, you have to convince FIRST. And when the “things” society tricks you into depending upon fall through, then, they have you SO down on yourself that you have no energy to STAND UP and rise against…and ultimately, they turn the tables to make it look like it was all your fault. It is no wonder there is so much addiction, hopelessness, helplessness, mental illness in our is the constant battle between the inside and the outside. Unfortunately, it is this type of conditioning that turns us against ourselves and each other. What many people just don't realize is that YOU HAVE IT IN YOU TO WIN!! You cannot look at yourself as something so small in the grand scheme of things and feel defeated by it immediately. There ARE a billion holes in these feeble constructs that are designed to control….find one, build your foundation, your fortress, your power. You are in control of YOUR may have to let down the ego a bit, let go of anger, pain, and confusion. There is no shame in ANYTHING that you set your hand to do IF you are doing it to the best of your ability, in truth, and assigning your OWN WORTH to it. The only power in holding on to negative energy is the power to further destroy...we actually believe that holding on to those same emotions that were "used against us" and building them even larger wields more power...and it does...but it only multiplies the power turned against yourself and will lead eventually to "self-destruction." Cuz to be honest with ya... the whatever or whomever you perceive to be the "offender" has no respect for you, your feelings, your struggle, or the aftermath in which you are left to deal with...your anger is of NO consequence and if it is, it is only in satisfaction in the kill/the win/the power OVER you. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'. Turn all of the energy you are burning away to destroy yourself to BUILDING yourself.

I sometimes wonder if there are some who get it and some who just don't...and now I am "typing out loud"...Am I one of the only ones who ever get an epiphany, turn it inward to better control my own actions, my own words, my own circumstances, and ultimately my own destiny?

Life is tough...can't and won't ever argue that, but I just cannot afford to let what I believe to be my blessings be wasted in what appears to be the easier way out. You gotta work THROUGH it to ever RISE ABOVE it...period. There are no shortcuts, no way around...We are a team..a family..if there is no self-respect, there will be none drawn to you. If you don't respect yourself, you will never behave in a respectable manner, and therefore, you will never earn respect from others. You cannot DEMAND something of which is not earned...lay blame...and expect people to join you in your starts with self-control, self-respect, self-love...what you project, you attract. No one likes a hypocrite.

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