Good Morning Everyone!!
Well, there has been a lot of traffic here I guess I better get back to givin' ya'll something new a little more often to make your visit a little more worth-while! Thank you again to everyone who shows an interest and/or shares the same sort of philosophy for stopping by. I am sure that at times, it is like de-coding even further the mind-bending thoughts that I ATTEMPT to decode for you!! Sometimes, it is SO difficult to put such detailed messages into simple form, but I do my very best. And again, I encourage any comments you may have about anything I have written here.
Okay...let's get into it, shall we?
Yesterday, a friend of mine (who often times shares inspirational messages on FB) posted a little snippet of a message by a man named Mark Chironna that read:
"Congruence has a magnetizing effect on desired opportunities. You have already known the power of both positive and negative reinforcement. When something is negatively reinforced, creativity and the ability to respond with confidence diminishes progressively the more the negative reinforcement is applied. When positive reinforcement is experienced, there is a measured increase in creativity, confidence, and success."
My reply:
THIS is SO true. I have been experiencing this myself (negative) and it leaves you feeling so defeated...but the saving grace in negative reinforcement is "clear knowledge of SELF" KNOWING that you are NOT what people say you are or try to make you believe you are...yes, words have power to defeat...but only in those who take someone else's word over their own about THEMSELVES as truth. Victory is only inevitable to those who KNOW better of themselves!! Anything OUTSIDE...I prefer to keep there. Inside out is the proper way of life...despite the mental picture we get when we think of the term...but isn't this the way society wants us to believe? WHOLE within your self abolishes the need for "reinforcement" of any kind. In a perfect world, we SHOULD reach out to others in a positive and uplifting manner...but can we really DO this until we have done this within ourselves first and with that in mind, are we responsible for the attitudes of those who haven't?? And if the haters don't like it...too damn bad.
A lot of times, and really in most cases, if you know you are giving 110% to something (anything) and it is recognized by the majority surrounding you...and there is ONE nay-sayer in the bunch; BUT this nay-sayer is the major player in the scenario, whose opinion really matters to you...for example: Your boss, your husband/wife, your mother/father, etc., where you feel an immense responsibility to have your efforts recognized in some manner, the negativity can have a devastating impact upon YOUR psyche and make you think "Ya know, I don't even know why I bother." Anyone will argue that there are areas in everyone's life where you really have to make an "impression." An employer will give you an opportunity to do this...a potential husband/wife will give you an opportunity to do this, your parents will give you an opportunity to do this. It is just the way we've been conditioned to get through life. We have to PROVE that WE have what it takes over Joe Shmoe to EARN our spot. Everyone wants to know that they have the very BEST candidate for the task at hand, but WHY? Efficiency? I claim that this is only PART of the reason. Yes, in business, it could even be the #1 reason...but doesn't "reflection" also play a very large role in this all? Doesn't how your employees perform reflect back upon you? Doesn't how your children behave reflect back upon you? YES. Can any ONE of us be PERFECT? Absolutely NOT! BUT, is this our expectation of others? Are there not those out there who will EXPECT someone else to do what they are NOT willing to do...who live by the premise of "do as I say, not as I do," and will lay the responsibility of the way THEY are perceived by others UPON others? Again, the biggest hole in this picture is PERSONAL responsibility and those who shrug theirs are probably most often the culprits of trying to tear down someone else's VERY BEST efforts because deep down inside (no matter the "surface purpose"), they realize that this person out-performs them, out-thinks them, and gathers the recognition for this THEMSELVES because, really...they OWN it. Enter jealousy, envy, and low self-esteem....yes...these "guests" often come uninvited don't they...they are psyche-crashers and the result of viewing life from an OUTSIDE IN perspective and because they begin to tear at someone's very IMAGE, they need a route of escape...and more often than not, they will be directed to the person (or people) they are most envious of. It is a really touchy dynamic really...and if you read deeply into what I have just is a NO-WIN situation. Now, you are in a position where you are damned if you do and damned of you don't. This is WHY fully realizing YOUR potential, YOUR limitations, and YOURself as a whole is so important in keeping yourself emotionally and mentally healthy and productive. This is the only thing that keeps those feelings of inadequacy given to you BY others a "temporary status" in your psyche and actually FUELS within you the need to continue to build within you an unwavering foundation upon which to stand in the face of adversity. all don't have TIME to eat all of this up in one setting!! I am going to split this message up into parts for ya so you can have time to digest... I believe this is a VERY important topic and one I have much experience in. Stay tuned my faithful "We are ONE first" readers...I promise there will be dessert offered at the end of THIS meal!! And after you get done reading this...go back to my "Music and Art" post, and listen to some REO and gather up some eye-candy with the great art in the video and let it all steep...for some reason, that song and the artwork displayed as a backdrop is reverberating in my mind as I write!!
"Self-realization is much like a telescopic view of a star...seeing and recognizing the intricacies that often go unnoticed by the naked eye due to the immense distance between."~Rainamay.
Have a GREAT weekend everyone...much love and encouragement from your friend...always..
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