Good Friday Morning peeps!!
In lieu of writing a post yesterday, I gave ya'll a link to go visit and hope those of you who came here yesterday took the opportunity to go view it. It certainly helped me, and I hope it may have given you some insight as well.
Today; however, staying with the same theme, I would like to go into that "in between" place, because that is where I am at right now...and then talk about what I picked up in meditation last night.
In explanation of the "in between place", I am feeling as if I am better off than I was BEFORE, but not really as good as I COULD be now. I am a doer...though some things I have been through have stalled that process a bit..but now that I am past all of that and my mind is no longer occupied with those insignificant things, things I have no control over changing, my energy now is now turned inward where it belongs. Having been and still being a "victim of circumstance", I am sure that a lot of you will follow what I am saying. Even though the outside problem is not of any conscious concern anymore, there still remains the inward thoughts and feelings we carry concerning OUR involvement (our baggage). There is regret, there is guilt, there are all these questions we begin to ask ourselves concerning our circumstance AFTER the fall. Those that sound like this: What was I thinking, I am smarter than that...How could I have not seen, or worse yet...I really knew, but I did nothing about it...and this all begins to lead to one place..."what do I do now?" This is the in-between place. Where you are dealing with the past, living in the now, and thinking of the future. What indeed?
What is happening to me is that somewhere inside, my purpose/destiny began to speak very loudly over those other voices...the questioning voices, the forlorn voices and started speaking ACTION. I am very clear on what I was put here for, but the "venue" in which to begin travel was my dilemma. I threw this out to a friend who gave me a very valuable idea...and more importantly, this friend BELIEVES in me and my propensity to DO and his advice is very valuable to me. I decided that a serious time of meditation was needed in order to maybe HEAR and SEE what it was that I was missing in all of this, as there seems to be a block.
This is what I got...STEPPING STONES. Everything we experience in this life (if we pay attention) is geared to building our strength and resolve for the things that lie ahead for us. There are people, things, and situations we experience (even through no fault or determination of our own) that may leave us feeling helpless, hopeless, and full of regret...BUT, in them is something VERY valuable...a lesson. We will be led to the darker side of things so we learn to RECOGNIZE it...much like a child burning themselves on a stove for the first hurts like hell when they burn themselves, and even as it heals, but that child will develop a "healthy" fear of that stove which will prevent him/her from touching it again UNTIL they understand the "workings" of it and are better equipped to "handle" it again. Think of your life as nothing more than a destiny, a journey, a game, an education. You will win some, lose some, you will pass through and you will teaches humility and the gain is PERSPECTIVE. The more pain we go through, the less mistakes will will make from THAT point forward. I have said this before, and will say it again...sometimes the things we WANT or the things we search for are not the best things for us AT THAT SPECIFIC POINT IN TIME. "What may be meant as a blessing may not be a blessing if it comes TOO SOON."~T.D. Jakes.
So I am standing upon a stepping stone that leads across the rushing that appears to be solid and sturdy enough to hold my weight..and right now, it appears to be the last one in sight. I stand in the middle. I have slipped off some of the slippery ones, I have fallen and cut myself on some of the jagged ones, and now I stand in the middle on the last one I can see. I look behind me to see where I came from...I look forward to see where I am being led. At the point of where I now stand, what does this mean? It means...I leap, I sink or swim, I go against the tide or with it, I have many directions of which to choose, and I am now in a period of weighing and balancing, using perspective to guide me, listening to the quiet voice inside me. I am not is an illusion. I am being patient because my direction will come clear as long as I USE all of the lessons I have learned that led me to this rock, where I stand tall, dry, and willing. I will use this time wisely in thought and action and I will wait and believe because I wouldn't have come THIS FAR had something WAY bigger than I hadn't believed in ME FIRST.
"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie
Which we ascribe to heaven."
~William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well.
"A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her." ~David Brinkley
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance." ~Bruce Barton
“When you see the value of continued growth, the circumstances around you become stepping stones.”
Clyde M. Narrimore
I wish you all bright light and warmth on your own personal journey!
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