Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Let hope REST...let faith bring you to your best.

Happy labor day to all!!

Today wraps up a lovely 3-day weekend for me (which I have not had in YEARS) so I have tried to make the very most of my time...some work around the house, a little social recreation, a day of rest...and who knows what today holds in store! I do know; however, that whatever I decide to do will be based soley upon what I wish to do...and that kinda freedom is priceless and sometimes overlooked and under-utilized!! Don't know about you, but it has been years of getting caught up in keeping some semblence of balance and status quo as the head of a family and part of a couple that I had forgotten how to actually LIVE life. I wake every morning with a sense of anticipation of what GOOD is gonna come today...what positive things I am going to take from today into tomorrow..there is NO worry, no sense of dread, no waking up with my shield and sword at the ready to slay the next is just pure, unadulterated PEACE and appreciation.

The other day, I said the word "hope" and it instantly wrecked me, like out of nowhere. I began to get all choked up and started to cry...and it was really a deeply subconsious thing..but when I sort of realized where it came from, it was a HUGE epiphany. It was as if I was mourning a long-lost friend...HOPE. A lot of people say that if you lose hope, you have nothing...and at this stage, I beg to differ. There is such thing as "clinging" to hope, which is what a lot of us do...and that is pure is NOT healthy, and these are the people who will use that phrase. Through it all and on the other side now, I see that I really don't HOPE for anything because I HAVE all that I need and I WANT what I have. My "hope" has been replaced by FAITH...BELIEVING and accepting that each minute of each day will bring exactly what it is supposed to...and lately, I am believing that all of this peace that now envelopes me is a sign that "everything is gonna be okay...and an inner voice prompts not doubt." Hope is actually bred of is bred of possibility and is of negative energy and the other positive. We tend to search for answers WAY TOO much...when really, they are right in front of us to see the entire time..time and energy WASTED. Hope is also the "lazy man's crutch" leaves your destiny up in the air, floating wishes made on a star...there is really no action in it...and faith is taking action within the realm of what you can actually control, and then BELIEVING that your goal in it will come to fruition, and if it doesn't happen today, then, maybe you will be in a better position to bring it home tomorrow.

I have realized that I have put HOPE to rest in my life, when it once had consumed me...when I used the word in a sentence, it reminded me of how I let go of the reigns in my life and tossed myself into it's arms and gambled my soul and spirit away on a "hunch" or an empty wish that I really had no control over.

Think about it...what would you rather have??? A codependent relationship with yourself based on thoughts and wishes or a full, rich relationship with yourself that springs you into action and promises that if it is meant to be, it will be yours. We have GOT to stop wanting EVERYTHING and start appreciating what we have and begin to acknowledge that what we want is not always the best thing for us...only having faith will allow us to do is the difference between "wanting to believe" and actually believing.

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”~ David Joseph Schwartz

“Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams into a masterpiece of reality.”~unknown

“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.”~Voltaire.

“But in this season it is well to reassert that the hope of mankind rest in faith. As man thinketh, so he is. Nothing much happens unless you believe in it, And believing there is hope for the world Is a way to move toward it.”~Gladys Taber. <--I think this quote best describes what I have been trying to say...HOPE "rests" FAITH.

Signed today,

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