Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"And you drive all night and you see a light...."

Good Morning!!

Well, the "radio weather" is promising us some sunshine and warm temps today!! Oh my...I have so many options to choose from to keep me busy on a day like that!!

Disclaimer: The portion of this post below is not meant in any way to offend, but more an exercise of my freedom of speech and my opinion. I will not entertain any "hate" comments if there are to be any left nor will I argue any opinion to the contrary. I completely aknowledge that we all have a right to our very own and respect that, so if you are to proceed, I ask that you return that same respect to me.

I don't know how many of you heard about that religious group whose leader decided that today is DEFINITELY going to be the day of the rapture....BOY, that is ANOTHER example of putting your faith in something OTHER than GOD aye? I'm sorry...but if Albert Einstein (whom I happen to hold a great amount of esteem for) hit a brick wall where that is concerned...then, this guy's supposed "math and decoding" skills really don't impress me so much...but BOY...look at the sheep!!! These poor people just LOOKING for something to believe in....maybe they should concentrate MORE on living this life than being "beamed" out of it!! Heaven and hell...states/planes of take. A friend of mine posted on facebook that "we should all just leave a random 'change of clothes' laying around somewhere in view on this day" You know, an entire outfit, as if there were at ONE time a body within them! I chuckled to I imagined followers of this brainwashing idiot videotaping all of the "absent bodies".....trying to keep the obvious EPIC FAIL trail going...only...why would THEY be here to tape it all? Oh BOY!! Whatev!!

This is a classic example of "forgetting your first love" and "worshipping idols" and "following blind guides." I LAUGH OUT LOUD at stuff like this!! For one, throughout the BIBLE, it speaks of the "transforming of your mind" and "the kingdom of GOD is IN YOU...not over here or over there" and "approaching God as a child" and YET there are STILL those who refuse to simply just take their minds to a "higher plane" and just REALIZE what this actually means...and I have to laugh further when time after time...Jesus, himself is quoted as saying "Are you SO DULL?" It is so very simple, yet we have people like this REDUCING something that could work SO POWERFULLY in their lives to a mere "David Blain or Chris Angel--Mindfreak" slight-of-hand magic trick!! OMG...if that were the case...THESE GUYS should be considered HOLY..not satanic!! How hippocritical and just plain STUPID---is this what it is gonna take for these people...a mere magic trick?? I feel VERY sorry for them--cuz their entire life will be spent at this bus-stop and in the meantime, anything purposeful they COULD be doing with the life they have been blessed with is WASTED as they lead others down their path of "ignorant" deceit.

The way I look at it is....I have already been raptured, okay...I have already joined forces with Jesus, I have already left loved ones "behind" and I have already been "taken into the clouds" and ya know what, I CANNOT REMEMBER when it all really happened, and I am sure that at the time of this transformation of my MIND, I didn't even realize it was HA! And THAT, my dear friends is where the TRUE magic isn't some GRANDSTAND happens very subtly...ALL INWARDLY and in SECRET...WITHIN the individual. Read your Bible people---READ it...don't just gloss over the words and take it so superficially literal, but take it IN to YOURSELF and relate it. Use it in a way to make a difference in everything you do because you can see YOURSELF in it. It is not so much a book of instruction for those who do not SEE...but a book of validation for those who DO.

I will hop off my soapbox right now..cuz I could go on and on...I really could...but I think I have adequately presented my stance on THIS particular "newsworthy" tidbit of crap!!

Much TRUE love to you all...and as always...go outside...kiss your kids...and LOVE with all you got..because THAT will always make a difference.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." ~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help." ~Abraham Lincoln

"Past the seeker as he prayed came the crippled and the beggar and the beaten. And seeing them... he cried, "Great God, how is it that a loving creator can see such things and yet do nothing about them?" God said, "I did do something. I made you." ~Author Unknown

Signed...The rapture? That was SO yesterday!!

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