Well, this is a rather uncustomary late start for me here today...BUT..it IS Sunday and my only day off...AND..to be quite honest, I have a lot that I would like to express, only I am beginning to have second thoughts about expressing it...as it is one of those situations where you let someone know a little too much about yourself, and then it comes back to bite you and it impresses upon you a limitation of sorts...so as I have been mulling it over most of the day, it really was a "should I even post anything today at all" or "should I not" kinda deal really....but if I don't today for this specific reason, then I won't tomorrow or the next day...and so on. So because I have a higher purpose for all of this to begin with, I decided that not doing it would be just ridiculous. I am not too big on censorship anyway....especially if it isn't self-imposed but brought on by secondary effect.
I would like to talk a bit today about naivety/gullibility versus hope/acceptance. There seems to be a place in some people's minds where these qualities become enmeshed and there is no difference between them. Being gullible or naive is an innocent ignorance. It is a state within itself where one truly doesn't know, YET trusts what he/she is being told to them by another or shown to them is truth. This usually happens when they have not been exposed to an alternative or difference. It is sort of a lack of common sense...but to someone who hasn't maybe had a chance to experience or gain hands-on knowledge of the subject matter at hand. It is very easy to fool someone like this because they have no basis of arguement against it...and they TRUST. Now, hope and acceptance can appear much like gullibility and naivity, BUT...they are a whole different creature altogether. They are more made of WANTING to believe and accept it as such. See, hope UNDERSTANDS that there are no definites...but gives the benefit of the doubt because it is the thing that CHANCES are made of---Ones we take and ones we give. We accept and hope what we are being told and shown is truth...that is a totally different thing than BELIEVING IT. Trust is not so easily given in the latter instance neither..but it is always available IF what we are made to hope for and accept indeed comes to fruition by ACTION. Dig it??
Now in gullibility and naivety, because it is not based on common sense, there is a sense of the invisible at work here...missing pieces...but they are not seen because the seer only sees and believes what he/she is LED to. These are usually traits of those who have had very limited exposure to life at large and are in the learning curve....
Those who extend hope and acceptance understand that everything is not as it appears and nothing is ever perfect. Most anything is subject to toil and burden but we HOPE it isn't. We forge ahead KNOWING full well because we have LIVED this life, we have felt the disappointment, we have caused the disappointment, we have asked for second chances or we have extended them to another, sometimes things work out the way we hope and sometimes, they just don't. We want to believe the best in others, we want to believe they will change if they display behavior that warrants that or they themselves admit there is a need...HOPE gives them the chance to do this...not gullibility...HOPE.
So before you go about trying to make someone believe something that they in fact have been proven many times before that the odds are against their believing...know that the chance they give you is made of hope---you are NOT FOOLING them...they, in conrast, ARE BELIEVING IN YOU.
In either case, gullibility or hope...what a shame to abuse someone's TRUST or FAITH IN YOU because you merely enjoy pulling strings. How dare you play upon someone's nature to win the game you unwittingly pull them into playing...But on the flip side, in all fairness, there are those who accept this gift of hope that someone bestows upon them and uses it for all it is worth to redeem because they are as disappointed in themselves for the offense as the one who is offended by it. They want to show them that it was something that they DID, not someone who they are...unfortunately, when patterns again and again show themselves leaning toward offensive behavior, the naive eventually graduate to hopeful and the hopeful move on to disappointed and the disappointed eventually become unattached.
Recognizing hope for what it is and treating it as the gift that it is CAN indeed make you a winner over what seems to be a losing situation...the flip of this is being the loser of what could have been a winning situation. Your choice...discern.
I will sign this today...JADED.
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