Years add wisdom, difficulties build strength, love moves mountains, tears nourish growth, dreams reveal purpose, character buries superficiality...Truth IS.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Motherhood...a title not limited to those with children.

Good morning everyone and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!

I must say that this is the first morning I have actually balked on topic of my blog...maybe I am just THINKING too much this morning...Usually, I begin with ordinary, everyday, casual banter that just sort-of all-by-itself works its way into a point. I trolled my Facebook home page, read all the well-wishes to all the mothers of the world, and threw a few greetings on there myself..and as I scrolled down, I stumbled upon a status of a young girl who went to school with my eldest (my son). Now, when my son was in school, I never really got to know her all that well, but since I have been a "facebook friend" of hers, I believe we have remedied that. I have read her status' and I have messaged her back and forth a bit...and I am amazed at the wisdom of such a young girl. Her status today read something like, and don't quote it is not right in front of me, "why is it that Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, birthdays, etc., are the only days we see people buying flowers, cards, etc...when everyday is reason enough to give someone a flower and treat them special...get with it people!" May sound pretty simple and straightfoward and some may gloss over this as "someone's opinion", or those who see the cup as 1/2-full most times, would maybe even think...this girl has just desecrated the integrity of this day for some of the most important people who walk the planet!! But these words SO resonate with me. I will limit my thoughts about this and just give you my take on "motherhood" (as it is so-obviously applicable today) and I would be sadly amiss if I were to limit the immense responsibility of, the character of, the patience of, the selflessness of, the mindset of, and the condition of the heart of one of most regarded (and usually the least respected)positions a woman accepts in life.

First of all...Eve takes a big hit by everyone for eating that damn apple, doesn't she..geeezz...I have known quite a few ADAMS in this life who have been tempted by and bit into LESS than the nourishment of a nice juicy get over it already!! Let us not forget...that although (by Bible lore <--for lack of a more tangible word...that act made it so the human race thereafter would DIE and not live forever. If we look at this...first of all, the world is overpopulated as it is with people dying do you think it would have held up with constant addition and nothing being removed? Common sense here people!! BUT, I digress...POPULATION...if Adam was the first human creation...and without EVE ("selfish bitch" as she was...<--facetious comment), Adam would have literally been "planting his seeds" in the ground, really. Now this goes back to EVERYTHING happens for a reason...Without EVE, there would BE no further generation..just sperm tossed to the wind...hehehehe...and then, what kind of interesting story would that have made?? And personally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you Eve for eating that piece of fruit so we would have a REASON to make the greatest use of the limited time we have here in this world. When there are deadlines, we tend to work a little bit harder and make the work we do perform the best final product before the day we are judged by it...dig it? The sense of urgency that this "deadline" elicits could very well be (at least in-part)responsible for the most epic contributions the greatest minds of our time have made to this world, then, now, and in the future.

I could literally go on forever on just the subject of it has become such a huge part of who I have become. It has taught me the true meaning of LOVE...and there is no greater love than a MOTHER for her children...and it will be the "woman" who is responsible for showing the lost the way...we give life...we are the nurturers...and when a child is wounded, he/she will more readily run to the arms of his/her mother than anyone else. There seems to be an innate understanding that the compassion of a woman contains within it an unyielding power to heal and a truth found in her encouragement that sustains.

How easy could it have been for God to "create" another man from the dust of the earth and breathe into him the breath of life and the spirit to save the world? But no....Jesus was born of a woman...<---very important message there...if you don't limit it to a literal interpretation of the story...allow your mind to marinate on that for a minute...Ask yourself what message that really contains (if we are to apply these lessons to our lives now). What this means is that a woman is RESPONSIBLE for bringing forth the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE...AND...I will add...there was no man used in that creation...IT IS PLACED THERE straight from God...we nurture it in our bodies, we ask no questions as to how it got there, we go through great pains and discomforts to give it life...and then put that responsibility above all else to embody it, tend to it, cultivate growth in it, and then finally, release it out into the world. So another take on MOTHERHOOD...a maybe more-universal take...but nonetheless..more in tune with how I see all things culminate to ONE...

And Monica...(if you are reading this)...I would like to wish YOU a Happy Mother's Day becuz the arms of motherhood stretch way farther than a physical manifestation of another "human" life...but is placed inside all we women..and those who personify it...are recognized by their fruit...I'd send you a flower or buy you a card...but somehow, I don't think that would express the kind of respect that is due...And for any guys out there who read...this was in no way meant to diminish your importance or contribution...this was written in the spirit of motherhood only...and Father's day is coming!!

"Motherhood is priced by God, a price no man may dare to lessen or misunderstand."~Helen Fiske Hunt Jackson.

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