Incredibly beautiful morning!! The grass is so green and the view from my "spot" at the kitchen island is one of my across-the-street neighbors' impecably-kept lawn and a beautiful array of yellow daffodils and red tulips in their front-yard planters...the birds are singing, the sun bright, but slightly muted by and filtering through the branches of the old maple tree in my front yard and my doggy standing watch at the end of the the stair cap on my front porch like some sort of big, black, slightly-overweight gargoyle....ahhh...I love these kinds of mornings. You wake up and your head seems clear from the worries of yesterday and you look ahead to what THIS day will bring (with a little help from my buddy Juan)!
Ever wonder why people when faced with a major decision will say "let me sleep on it, and I will letcha know tomorrow"? -OR- someone will say TO you.."well, why dontcha just sleep on it and let me know tomorrow." I used to think to myself...that is just stupid!! Sleep on what? My reaction was probably due in part to the fact that when I was faced with a difficult decision, the last thing I COULD DO was sleep. I would lie awake in bed mulling it over until sleep eluded me. Or if I did sleep, that seemed I certainly didn't dream about some miraculous answer to that specific problem nor was I presented in a dream anything close to a vision of the best when I slept, it seemed the farthest thing from my mind. What relevance does this platitude have to waking the next morning with a clearer answer to a perplexing question?
This is a relevant topic for me these days as I have found that each day, my perspective seems to clear a little more and more with each day...and maybe this is the reason for "time heals all wounds" as well. I believe that something very wonderful happens to us when we sleep, that maybe we are not really aware of. Sleep, from a clinical standpoint is the time of regeneration of the cells in our bodies and the time where it is felt that most healing takes place. Why wouldn't it be the same for our psyches? Would it be so far out of line to think that maybe one of the greatest mysteries of how we sustain our sanity through times of wakeful chaos occurs in our subconcious mind? I had studied the art of meditation a few years back when I noticed that for some reason, I seemed to be having these peaks in intuition. They would come and go though, and I remember feeling this sense of "downing" when they would begin to a heaviness...I would be sharp as a tack for about 2 weeks...and then NUTHIN!!But as time went on, I noticed that each of these peaking periods got a little longer and closer together--funny, almost like the contractions of childbirth. So I was definitely intrigued enough to research ANYTHING that would help me to corale these periods into a permanent state of it was probably the most self-assured, peaceful, and unburdened I had ever felt in my life. Though I am no MASTER at this by any stretch, because I do still have periods of disappointment, dicouragement, and confusion...all these heavy, nasty little visitors from time to time...BUT...I can say that their stay has definitely been cut shorter. I would be hesitant to believe anyone who says "I NEVER worry"...or be afraid of people who are happy all the know the type...always smiling, talking an octave higher than the general population, slight bounce in their step...greeting everyone who passes them by with all their sticky sweetness. To be honest...these are the ones who probably suppress everything and the most explosive...and I can almost hear the tick..tick..tick...oh boy...I digress..sorry...back to point.
I guess what I am trying to say here is we will all be confused, we will all have to weigh very difficult decisions, we will all worry, we will all be sad, disappointed, and even a little down on ourselves from time to time...and all of these heavy emotions have their place....if we only "visit" with them for a time and use them properly to gain fresh perspective. There will always be found in the most difficult of circumstances, the "difference." I believe that all of the hardest work we do on ourselves takes place in our "who we ARE" mind and in keeping with harmony, the "what we do" mind acts in unison.
So sleep on it...and see how you feel about it in the morning...and then sleep on it again, and see how you feel about it the morning after will notice a progression in your thought process in a certain direction...where the vascillation back and forth seems to add more and more favor to one side and then more and more...your path becomes clear. There is a lot more than meets the "eye" to what happens when we sleep. Bank on it!!
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